Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A coyote pack's scent post

I found a spot on the edge of a meadow where coyotes visit regularly. Sometimes it's one of them and sometimes it's as many as four. Based on the direction that they come from each time, I think that they have a den nearby. Of course, it's the puppy time of year so I'm hoping that we get to glimpse them at some point.

They leave pee-mail almost every time that they pass. I am guessing that it's a pack scent post, a spot where they advertise that it's their territory to all passing animals. The other regular visitors have been bobcats and moose.

The coyotes visited so many times that I had to speed up their visits to avoid it being too long. Thanks to that trick, I condensed it into a short video. Check it out if you have time!


  1. they look a little like our husky chipie.... maybe she was a coyote and no husky?

  2. Hari OM
    hehe, that was quite fun - a bit whacky cartoon like! YAM xx

  3. I got a good laugh over this heated up coyote it looks really funny. I'm glad that you didn't speed up the ones that are shown in the daylight because I do love to see them they are so much like big puppy dogs. And would you leave a note for them and say if you're going to lay down and roll around would you please lay in front of the camera and not just off the camera haha

  4. How nice to see some strong and healthy coyotes. I'm sure puppies will show up soon.

  5. That is quite a busy area. Instead of that little tree being a bear marking tree it is a coyote marking one.

  6. Funny that you are sharing a coyote themed video today as the office I got to a couple times a week had a sighting on Friday!

  7. Second try to leave a comment. Blogger is weird today.

    I love the leave the scent and then peel out. Reminds me of our Angel Little Bit.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. What a great video to watch and we did laugh at places where it was speeded up in cartoon style fashion☺

  9. Well done KB and even a lot like Wiley Coyote in parts.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Very cool footage! The coyotes all seem to be in good shape so they obviously find enough to eat.

    I laughed at the bobcat, it doesn't seem to be too concerned that it's in the coyotes territory.

  11. They are a very busy family, and the marking, one had to pee twice to make sure he left a very good scent!!! The Bobcats just strolled, not concerned at all, I wonder what they will all do when we have the Super Moon tonight.

  12. Coyotes are strange animals. We see them here in the middle of suburbia walking down the street during the day sometimes. They steal people's pet too. Sometimes on early walks we see a couple playing around but when they see us they run. They usually look really scrappy.

  13. When those coyotes roll around on the ground, they look just like Timber who loves a good roll on the ground:)

  14. Gail says she wishes she could speed up my visits to my (very many) peemail posts!
    Toodle pip!

  15. Pee-Mail may be effective, but I am really glad we have other means to communicate with each other! :))

  16. I could watch these guys for hours and am so grateful you share videos of them. Thank you!


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