Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi had a better week. He seemed more relaxed than last week although he still isn't at his baseline yet. He did have to deal with some visitors/workers. We tried having him in the house for a glass installer who was making a lot of loud noise. Hachi was quietly enduring it in a corner of the house far away from the work. Then, the Runner noticed that Hachi's pupils were as big as saucers. That is a sure sign of fear so the Runner moved him to a vehicle for the rest of that worker's visit. Poor little guy.

We met with Hachi's "behavioral therapist" this week. She's a highly trained behaviorist who knows the best ways to try to help a dog like Hachi. She whole-heartedly agrees with us that relaxation exercises are key right now. We added another one to work on - teaching Hachi to take a deep breath on cue! I didn't know that a dog could be taught such an almost unconscious thing. Believe it or not, he is already picking up on it. We are using clicker training to do it.


Life is so full of unknowns. There will be ongoing work at Lab Valley but much of the schedule is not yet solidified. We do know that a very skilled stone mason will be fixing a retaining wall and putting in a foundation for my small greenhouse starting this week (happy dance time!). He'll be working outdoors so that should be less stressful for Hachi than interior work.

All in all, I feel upbeat about Hachi's trajectory. He definitely was less stressed out than last week. That's a step forward!


  1. One small step at a time, except when he is romping with his sister!

  2. sounds good and they look so happy in that last photo

  3. Good to hear. And a greenhouse? Nice!

  4. Teaching a deep breath is a great idea! And your relaxation exercises are building a strong foundation that eventually he'll be able to draw on. You are doing such good work with him.

    I recall that Hachi's first meeting with the behavioral vet was less than stellar. How does he handle appointments now?

    Chris from Boise

    1. Hi Chris,

      Due to Covid, we do it all via Zoom now so we don't know. My guess is that those appointments would still be less than stellar. He'd be very tense but we do have skills now to help him hold it together. At our last appt just before Covid, he was very tense but, by playing a game called "engage-disengage" almost continuously, he never barked or lunged during an appointment.

      Some days, it feels like he will never be relaxed around anyone but us. But, we've learned to live with that (except for all the pesky workers) so we'll manage if that is the case.

      Thanks for asking!

    2. Thank goodness for Zoom. I think that's helped with a lot of behavioral consults. The vet/behaviorist gets to see the critter in its home setting.

      We never in a million years thought that Habi would be comfortable in the presence of another dog. But we just kept working ion it, just as you keep working with Hachi, and - miracles happened. We'll see what Hachi thinks five years in. You're doing such great work with him.

  5. Strangers in the house is hard. Hope this week is better.

  6. I had no idea a dog could be taught to take deep breathes. Everything you do to help Hachi will truly help him and will also remind him of how very much he is loved. A fearsful dog could not have found a better home.

  7. Hari Om
    That's it Hachi, lad, deep breaths... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    (who grinned at the thought of this and is delighted it can be done!)

  8. Having a good week is good for you and the pups. Both of them. I'm glad things are going well.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Happy Dance indeed for you greenhouse work. I love the photo of Hachi and Shyla galloping in the the field!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. We never could imagine you could teach a dog to take a deep breath on cue. Hachi and Shyla sure look happy playing in their field.

  11. I am intrigued to know more about exactly how one trains a dog to take a deep breath on cue?

    1. I promise to write more about this next week! It's tricky. I'll also look to see if there's a good video online.

  12. Well, you learn something new every day! Interesting! You'll have to tell us how the breathing goes and if it works.

    Sounds like the house is getting closer and closer to being done. What a freedom that will be!!

  13. A glasshouse, that will be so good for you to be able to have things that need protection or warmer conditions. Sounds like the work is going well, our friends next door are having a new bathroom fitted, so are using our wonderful walk in shower, they are waiting for items to arrive, so I hope you have better luck with anything you have to order in. A stone mason, sounds like that will be exciting to see his work.

  14. to see the sheer panic in his eyes. oh my.
    that is wonderful that the Runner saw it and knew to put him in the vehicle to help him feel Safe.
    bless that little puppy's heart. And Your Own! for being so patient with his terrors and helping him!
    look how that wonderful patient Help has paid off with your beautiful Shyla! XO

  15. Hooray Hachi, keep doing good you handsome pup!

  16. Taking a deep breath sounds like a great idea. If anyone is able to teach it - you sure can, KB!

  17. You are such a talented dog trainer. I need your patience.

  18. He may be scared but he doesn't seem to act out as much. We would love to know how to teach a dog to take a deep breath. That sounds really helpful for stressful times.

  19. Your training repertoire is amazing! Hachi is so lucky you work with him on issues. Continued success!

  20. That's amazing you can train a dog to take a deep breath - I never knew that (I need to remind myself to do it often)! I'm so glad Hachi has been doing better overall.


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