Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog loved sun puddles. When I saw the sun shining on him, I'd sometimes join him on his dog bed to snuggle. His fur was so soft and silky. I'd stroke his velvety head and bury my face in his fur.

Our Black Dog  made the most of every day, whether it involved running wildly through a meadow or snoozing in the sunshine. I wish that I could be as utterly content as he was.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. I miss your black dog and I miss my black dog and they both shown in the sun just like this picture

  2. Hari OM
    You have so many gawjuss pawtraits to remember and share - thank dog for photography! YAM xx

  3. BLK Dog Was True Reflection Of His Human - He Was Rather Content Because You Projected Contentment - I Do Hold Hands With You In The World Of Make Believe, So Miss Snuggling In The Sunshine With The Bog Dog - I Also Miss Driving My Face Into His Neck And Telling Him About My Trials And Tribulations Or Reminding Him How Much I Love Him Or Muffling BEST BOY EVER Into His Thick Neck - In His Later Years, He Would Sleep In My Closet With Only His Paws Sticking Out For Maximum Swamp Cooler Breeze - His Hearing Was Almost Gone By Then And I Would Walk In And Lay Down In Front Of Him And Wait For Him To Smell Me - Would Give Anything To See Those Sleepy Eyes Spark To Life Again - Anyway, I Know How Much You Miss BLK Dog - And I Thank You For Continuing On With BLK Dog Sundays - Go Team Human

    Big Hugs

  4. Beautiful photo! Oh that we all could find that place of contentment.

  5. he remains my beautiful lighthouse. XO

  6. I think my comment got lost, this is a check.

  7. I said: This magnificent photo captures all that R was. It's beautiful beyond words, as was he.

  8. KB what a stunning picture of your Black Beauty. I would have snuggled with him too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Sun puddle snoozing must be a thing for black dogs as our black dog, Millie, loves to bake herself whenever she gets the chance (inside our out). It's always nice to snuggle in there warm fur.

  10. I sure miss my little black (and silver) dog, too. She couldn't take the sun, though. Sweet memory today.

  11. I still look forward to Sunday's to see a blog about R

  12. What a beautiful image of your sweet handsome boy.


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