Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is doing better. She had a bunch of tests that were inconclusive. The two clues as to what might be going on were that she had an abnormal white blood cell count and her kidneys were uncomfortable when the vet touched them. Our vet's hunch was leptospirosis so we started treatment for that right away. Within 24 hours, her water intake was back in the normal range.

Oddly, the test came back as negative for leptospirosis. However, there are strains of lepto that do not trigger a positive test (and are not covered by the vaccine). So, our vet says that we should do the entire course of treatment for leptospirosis. That involves four weeks of antibiotics.

I am so glad that we caught this. My reading says that some dogs can have their kidneys fail due to this disease if it remains untreated. I think (hope) that we caught it in time.

Shyla seems to feel good and be very happy. She and I have been having a glorious time exploring Lab Valley. We are finding caches of pasqueflowers (wild crocuses) in the most unexpected places. That makes me so happy!

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. We are so happy that you are being treated with antibiotics and will be okay, Shyla! Happy Saturday!

  2. Hari OM
    paws all crossed here for this being properly IDd and treated. POTP x 87! Hugs and wag,s YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I have not heard of this disease and looked it up. so glad it can be treated with antibiotics and that you caught it early... prayers and hugs for a quick recovery

  4. Happy Happy news Sweet Shyla. I first learned about leptospirosis on the vet shows.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Howling For Joy - Love It - Big Hugs


  6. We're so glad to hear Shyla is feeling better and have out paws crossed that the medicine clears up the problem.

  7. Good news, it sounds like Shyla is on her way to recovery. What beautiful photos, especially the second one! Enjoy your Shyla Saturday

  8. DITTO to all these heartfelt wonderful thoughts for sweet Shyla. plus my Own! XOXO

  9. We are so glad sweet Shyla is doing better!

  10. Hope the antibiotics work and Shyla is better in no time!

  11. Whew! Hope it all clears with the antibiotics.

    Chris from Boise

  12. Whatever the cause may have been, we are so happy to hear that the treatment seems to be helping. We sure hope she continues to do very well.

  13. Fantastic news. Shyla has a lot more romping to do.


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