Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 10, 2021

A menagerie walks through a pine forest clearing

At our old place, I spent a couple of decades learning the special places in the forests where the animals routinely visit. 

One such place is on the south side of a ridge where mountain lions usually scrape and leave their scent. For much of this winter and spring, no lions visited but many other species did. Bobcats dominated. They made me laugh when they obsessed over the tip-top of a bush that was suddenly within reach due to very deep snow. You'll see the bobcat rolling on that bush. 

The snow depth fluctuated so much that it's hard to tell that it's all the same view from the same cam but it is. Watch to the end for a puffy ending!

Check out the video!


  1. I so love bobcats. The procession of turkeys was fun as well. They just keep coming! Thank you for continuing to share your videos.

  2. That final tom turkey - wow!!! As you know, I love the bunnies - was that a cottontail? Seemed small for a snowshoe hare. And that bobcat - immersed in its marking! Great video all the way around.

    You have survived the Move?

    Chris from Boise

  3. add some music and Morgan Freeman narration and you've got an Oscar winner

  4. Love the bobcat and the small part6 of that tree just his height, the turkeys and the final one, a curtain call for sure. We are so lucky, fortunate and maybe mesmerised by your videos, showing us the trails and the animals who wander, covid free, snow or sunshine, loved it all.

  5. that's the way real zoo's should be... no bars ors cages ... just to see life like it is...

  6. The turkey parade was impressive, especially the finale!

  7. We laughed when the turkeys came into view and the ending was a wonderful surprise!

  8. We always enjoy watching the Bobcats. They can look so much like our domestic cats in the way it was marking that bush. That was quite a big group of turkeys and we loved the surprise ending.

  9. We love seeing the bobcats at play. Those turkeys must be cousins to the ones near the donkey farm near us. We saw Mr. Tom in all his feathered glory yesterday. He was really flaunting those feathers.

  10. I see why Mike commented on that tom turkey, WOW he is big and beautiful and IN CHARGE.. the background in the daytime for the cat doing his thing, is just breathe taking, even without the cat. when the bobcat left there was a space to enjoy the view... stunning woods and snow they are all wandering through.

  11. All wonderful. Love the laser eyes on the bunnies. The turkeys were awesome and then the tom cam strutting by. He knows he's all that and a bad of chips.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. Of course I love the bobcat - it exhibits so many behaviours of my domestic cats. But the bunnies were so darned cute and the turkeys were amazing, especially the tom at the end! Awesome footage.

  13. What a surprising and fun parade at the end!

  14. OMword...all that is missing is Prof. Doolittle or the Pied Piper
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. The title sure sounds like a good intro for a joke...

    So much to see in this video, the bobcat is adorable, and the male turkey with his "harem" was giggle worthy!! Thanks sooooo much for sharing these wonderful peeks into "a day in the wild" with us!

  16. Thank you for sharing and taking these wonderful videos

  17. Wow...Watching that male turkey and his harem was simply amazing! Thanks for much for sharing.

  18. Oh, that was fun! I love the wild turkeys. I often have to stop for turkey crossing when on my way to the shop in the morning. :)


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