Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi's behavior this week has been all over the map. He seems super happy on our hikes. He's overjoyed to run like the wind with his sister in Lab Valley. They also have a great time exploring together. I love seeing them running or walking side-by-side as they enjoy all the scents in our valley.

In his training, he started to have an old issue this week. At times, he seemed unable to calm himself sufficiently to focus on any training. He barked in frustration over things that he can usually handle. For example, when we play the "Bucket Game", he is supposed to tell us that he's ready for us to handle him (e.g., paws or ears) by lying still while looking at a container full of treats. He gets a treat after we manipulate a paw or look in an ear. This week, he barked in frustration during the game to such an extent that we ended it.

He had this issue before almost a year ago, and relaxation exercises during the day helped immensely. However, with all of the chaos in our lives, I lost track of his relaxation mat so I stopped doing the relaxation exercises. This week, I finally refound his mat, and we've restarted his relaxation protocol. And, after just a few days, he's capable of doing the Bucket Game again without barking in frustration throughout it. Woo hoo!


Another snow storm has started that is predicted to dump another foot of snow on us. Our internet was down Sunday afternoon/evening due to the snow so this post is late. I'm so ready for the snow to end for the season but the pups were over-the-moon happy during a hike as the storm started They love it. 


  1. It's good to hear you found the relaxation mat and that it worked its magic on Hachi. We know we would love to play in that snow too but our pawrents would feel like you do and wish it was over.

  2. Hari OM
    Well, if nothing else, there is proof of the benefit of that part of the regime and its bearing upon the other! (accentuate the pawsitiff... ) YAM xx

  3. Some weeks are better than others, not just for us, but for our babies too.

    Beautiful shots of your babes in the snow.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. I agree with Sandee 100%. I bet Hachi and Shyla are kinda over winter too.
    I do love the photos of them running like the wind.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We're glad they got some snow to romp in and we hope next week is better!

  6. you are so good with him and so dedicated. poor guy, i hurt for him

  7. Glad you were able to find the relaxation mat and help Hachi overcome his frustration. While the pups enjoy the snow, I can imagine how tiresome it is becoming. C'mon spring!

  8. Poor Hachi likes to keep you on your toes. We hope the relaxation map gets him solidly back on track for you. Enjoy that snow and don't let it blow east:)

  9. Shyla and Hachi still look so happy sprinting through the falling snow.

  10. You know Hatchi so well, and know what he needs. He is so lucky to have you!

  11. The odd weather has us scratching our heads too. Here's to better days as spring starts to emerge.


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