Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog had an impish side. He loved to be in sun puddles with his sister, and sometimes he'd invite her to play with a friendly paw to the forehead.

R knew how to teach Shyla to trust him. He used a combination of playfulness and love. His lessons were the start of a happy life for Shyla.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. What a sweet photo. Love the bop on Shyla's head ♥

  2. Hari OM
    The teacher and the pupil... this is a truly gorgeous image. YAM xx

  3. This is a definite awww moment and I love it

  4. One thing for your your precious R left his permanent paw print on Shyla and on the hearts of all who knew him...his heart was truly made of gold and full of love
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Such a precious moment of friendship and love.

  6. Thank you - again! - for continuing to share Black Dog photos with us. I trust it's still part of the healing for you. What an expressive photo!

    Chris from Boise

  7. I think he taught Shyla well too. ♥

  8. R, your love and your lessons for a happy life live on in us all, not just Shyla, but so many of us out here in the wide world. Live life to the fullest. do the very best you can. never give up even when pain or a disability is overwhelming, love others, and smile, we love your memory every day.

  9. I love you, you beautiful, kind, and inspiring Black Dog, R.

  10. Youe Black Dog was and Shyla is very lucky to have a special Mom (you). Happy Mother's Day!

  11. R was such a sweet boy. That's a great picture of the two of them.

  12. he will Always have my heart. XO

  13. How very sweet and serendipitous - Misty was JUST doing the same thing with Timber, trying to entice him to play.


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