Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Many of you remember that our Black Dog had very major elbow surgery in 2016. This was a few months after it. We still had a harness on him so that we could help him not injure the elbow. His sister was his nurse. I found her snuggled against him very frequently.

A couple of years later, he could run like the wind again. This was during a late May trip to New Mexico. We camped in a glorious spot, and these two loved running across the soft grass.

Our Black Dog was truly irrepressible. Nothing could get him down. I'll try to use his joyful attitude when the predicted snow arrives tonight. Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    Handsome is as handsome does is a phrase that well suited R... YAM xx

  2. Such a special dude, really special.

  3. That snuggling photo is just too precious. Stay warm and safe this 'howliday weekend.

  4. He also steals hearts, your lovely, irrepressible Black Dog. Thank you so much for keeping up his Sunday spot.

  5. Surgeons really can transform lives for the better sometimes. (Long story, but in short had it not been for some very highly skilled surgical intervention when I was in my early thirties I would almost certainly have lost my right arm!)
    Cheers, Gail.

  6. I bet Shyla's love and warm snuggling next to him helped him heal even Better!
    and I echo Inger's words above... Thank you So Much for keeping his Sunday spot. XO

  7. Oh no, say it isn't so...more snow?

    The two pups looks so joyful as they run towards you. And the snuggle shot is so sweet.

  8. Those are such sweet memories of the connection between R and Shyla.

  9. I never get tired of seeing those two together - what a perfect pair! I think Shyla learned so much from R and she is sharing all that with Hachi as well. ♥

  10. Hey dear ones...I'm very late in dropping by but I to see Black Dog Sunday. We all have a purpose on this earth. R's was to spread joy, sunshine and positivity. And he had a PhD in it
    OMDs we had a surprise road trip today, just got home. I will write about it on Thankful Thursday
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. More snow! Holy cow - what a spring!

    You did such a great job rehabbing R after surgery, and Nurse Shyla was standing by to help. :-)

    Chris from Boise

  12. Not snow when it's almost June! We hope Shyla and Hachi enjoy it.

  13. Those two were just meant to be together - what a sweet Duo!!! SNOW!!! Gosh, when does it end?


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