Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla has been on a streak of finding antlers that deer and elk have shed. It astounds me how well her nose leads her to them even from a long distance.

She's continued treatment for leptospirosis. She's on the 2nd week of 4 weeks of antibiotics. While her water intake plummeted in the first week of antibiotics, it has stabilized at about 2000 ml, which is the absolute top end of normal (and some literature says that it is too high for a 20kg dog). I have to admit to a bit of worry about it. I'll see what our vet has to say.

Despite that, Shyla seems happy and energetic. She loves playing with her brother. This photo makes me think that she's still wild even at nine years old.

Shyla is the perfect big sister for Hachi. She never gets angry when he is grumpy or when he plays too hard. She seems to truly enjoy playing with him - often acting as the instigator to get him to play.

Happy playful Shyla Saturday!


  1. Good to see Shyla happy with her antler. Bertie is very envious.
    Fingers and paws crossed here that her fluid intake settles down to an acceptable range.

  2. loving the photo of the antler, mind boggling to me and oh so beautiful...

  3. That is one huge antler you found, Shyla. I wish I could find one just like the one that you found!

  4. People pay good money for those antlers. Think of all the cash Shyla is saving you. BOL! We are keeping our paws crossed that Shyla continues to feel better.

  5. Shyla, the retriever, what fun she's having. She looks so proud brining come her catch. So glad she is feeling better.

  6. Those antlers are quite the find sweet Shyla and we hope all is okay with your health sweet girl.

  7. GO Sweet Shyla! GO! XOXO

  8. You'll have quite a collection of antlers at this rate. Enjoy your Saturday Shyla!

  9. Happy Shyla Saturday. Shyla you are quite the huntress
    Hugs cecilia

  10. If Shyla sold those antlers she would make a lot of money. We pray she does not have medical issues.

  11. Did you train Shyla to find the deer antlers, or does she just do it on her own? My hubby always wanted to train one of our dogs to track those down. Luke and I would both be so excited if he ever found any in our woods!

  12. Wow, that antler would overjoy the three here. We hope you can figure out what is up with Shyla and get that water intake at a more acceptable level.

  13. There's a point for each dog on that antler times two! Does Shyla and/or Hachi chew them?


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