Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

I called this pair the "Labraduo" because they were so deeply bonded to each other. I would find them snoozing together almost every time that I looked for them.

They were opposite personalities when they met. Our Black Dog was a boisterous (some might say crazy) young Labrador. He loved every person and every dog who he met. His greatest fault was too much enthusiasm for meeting strangers, all of whom he viewed as instant friends. Shyla was very shy, afraid of strangers (afraid of us, at the beginning), and afraid to try anything new. Our Black Dog taught her by example how to navigate the world.

Our Black Dog worked his magic on her (and we humans helped a little), and the rest is history. It means so much to me that Shyla was so profoundly shaped by our Black Dog. He lives on in her.

May all of us view strangers as friends, unless they prove otherwise, just like our Black Dog. Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Another beautiful picture of the 'Labraduo'.
    Life would be so much duller without such variation in personality types (dogs or humans)!

  2. You were the most perfect gifts for each other♥

  3. They each had a heart dog in the other. This is a most precious picture of them together and I am glad that they had each other while they did

  4. This picture says it all and words are not necessary.

  5. Inger said it for me.
    (and thank you for keeping him in our thoughts with pictures and his beautiful spirit) XO

  6. Such a sweet picture of those two. Our mom would have loved to meet R with all the enthusiasm he would have brought to the greeting.

  7. R, your eyes shine with happiness, that lasted all your life. Meeting a stranger, I do that too, the last time I was in hospital for the treadmill test I met a personable young man as I walked out. I commented he would be faster than me and moved over in the corridor, he replied that the wheelchair they gave him needed new bearings and more. We chatted all the long way to the front door. I guess he was in his 30's or so, had one leg amputated, and was so easy to talk to. R, you would have been right in there too with lots of doggie conversation!!! My daughters would be horrified!!

  8. Your Black dog taught us all so much about unconditional love and friendship.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. We always loved seeing their togetherness quiet time.

  10. There truly is such joy to fully know and feel the bond of a true companionship like they had. ❤


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