Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Our world had about 4 days of gray skies and snow since last Saturday. I'll admit to some unhappiness about the further delay of springtime. Shyla and I spent time outdoors together every one of those days but we had the most fun on the day when the sun finally broke through.

The world was gorgeous that morning with deep blue skies, a thick layer of fresh snow, and a happy Shyla.


I think that the one thing that Shyla doesn't like about deep snow is that it's hard to find sticks. She dug deep into the snow to find this one and then she wanted to show it to me.


After this fun session in the snow, we headed down to the flatlands for Shyla to have some blood drawn. I was so glad that we'd had such a glorious morning prior to the vet visit!

Her tests showed that something is not right but didn't pinpoint the cause. Now we are testing her for leptospirosis, a hidden unknown infection, thyroid issues, and cancer. My impression is that cancer is pretty far down the list but that didn't stop me from tossing and turning in worry. As we are doing all of these tests, we'll try a strong antibiotic to see if that reduces her need to drink so much water. That would help with either leptospirosis or a hidden infection.

Shyla is nine years old, and I am hoping for many more years with her. It feels as if she's still in her prime, especially behaviorally. It's wonderful to see how she is an outgoing and happy dog despite her rough start in life.


  1. Good Morning - Such Lovely Photos - Such A Happy Girl - Lets Just Leave It At That For Now - Sending Love And Light

    Big Hugs

  2. I send my best wishes that whatever is causing Shayla issues can be resolved easily and quickly. More time to play!

  3. Beautiful action snow scenes with Shyla. Hoping her health improves.

  4. Shyla sure looks happy to be romping in the snow. We are keeping our paws crossed that you and your vet can figure out what is ailing her and make her feel better.

  5. Prayers for Shyla and all of you. I just don't understand what is going on with our pets, more and more diseases and cancer in dogs and cats every day. it seems to be getting worse. I never had a dog with a deadly disease until the past 3 years

  6. We are sending tons of AireZen and POTP and positive vibes for sweet Shyla!

  7. Shyla you have purrs and hugs coming from NC on this Shyla Smile Saturday
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hoping for results quickly, and that they pinpoint a treatable condition.

    And hoping for more blue sky days. Surely your spring cannot be far away...!

    Chris from Boise

  9. We're all sending tons of prayers to beautiful Shyla, and lots of hugs too.

  10. Praying for answers and a quick recovery.

  11. We are sending warm thoughts and prayers for Shyla, and hope that they can easily treat whatever is going on with her. ♥

  12. I hope you'll get a clear answer soon, KB - and find that it's an issue that has a simple solution. Will be thinking of you and Shyla.

  13. for Shyla. XOXOXO

  14. Snow with the temperature above freezing is the best. Sending lots of prayers.

  15. May the tests show something easy to treat and may you have many more good years with precious Shyla.

  16. Sending pawsitive thoughts on the test results.


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