Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 14, 2021

Nature Friday - Wild residents (including one you'll recognize) use a Labrador Valley trail

 In the valley that we call "Lone Ponderosa Valley", the wildlife activity is picking up as there's a glimmer of spring on the horizon. Coyotes, mama moose and calf, and deer are the most plentiful. Our family loves to visit the valley also, often when it's the most beautiful early in the morning.

Check out this short video, and enjoy the cameos by Hachi as he passes the cam during skiing and running outings with the Runner.


  1. Hari OM
    BOL - Hachi the lumberjack at the end there!!! A lovely little collection of critters for NF. YAM xx

  2. saw him ;o) love the moose how it meandered through da snow... reminded me a little of mark when I call him LOL

  3. LOL! That large branch he's carrying makes me laugh. I always wonder at the moose - their legs don't look sturdy enough to keep up those big bodies.

  4. now I know why easy called Hachi the lumberjack, made me laugh out loud.. just hilarious... i don't think i could carry that STICK even with both hands

  5. We loved that video! The moose never seem to be in a hurry wandering through that area but Hachi with that HUGE stick just cracked us up.

  6. Great video and all I can say is speak softly and carry a big stick.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. What a wonderful parade of the critters...Hachi I heard your bell it has a nice ring!
    Hugs cecilia

  8. How great to see Hachi out there having fun too! I also spotted the Runner off in the distance. :)

  9. Great Video - I could use Hachi at my house to pick up branches!!

  10. Collecting firewood, so well trained, where is the trailer for all those long branches, as I'm sure there would be more. !!! How the scene changes, with snow, no snow, the tall moose ambling uphill, what a great spot for the trailcam.

  11. LOL - wonderful video! Especially the last shot!!

    Chris from Boise

  12. Hachi looks so proud of his stick prize.

  13. Thanks for the giggle at the end of the video Hachi...what a BIG stick!!

    So glad to see so much wildlife out and about!

  14. That is one big stick you got there, Hachi ☺

  15. That was a fun video and how nice of Hachi to costar!

  16. Love seeing the animals casually walking by. The moose are so cool.


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