Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that spring snow is pretty!

The incoming storm...

The next morning... In the snow, I spotted a red-tailed hawk nest with two hawks tending it near this spot. I hope to photograph them over the coming month!


A seasonal stream, fed by melting snow, has emerged in this spot. The Runner built a bridge over it, making skiing and fat-biking across it much easier! Do you see our house in the distance?

I am thankful that we are spending this spring in such an incredibly beautiful place! I feel sure that the big storms are just about over.


  1. yes... your place is super beautiful!!!

  2. The last 2 photos could be paintings. How beautiful!

  3. I am thankful you have your valley and thankful you showed us this photo of the valley and your home. I love trees and yours are magnificent. the second photo is christmas card perfect

  4. Beautiful! It's amazing how much snow comes in each of these storms.

  5. Such beautiful pictures of you new place. We can't wait to see some pictures of the Red Tailed Hawks and their babies.

  6. Your new home is amazing. So peaceful and quiet. Heavenly. Great shots as always.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. I'm thankful that you share your beautiful surroundings with us. 2nd photo would be gorgeous hanging over a fire place.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Looking forward to photos of the red-tailed hawks!

  9. What a beautiful setting for your home!!! And yes, we see it there nestled in all the snow and trees:)

  10. We love the beauty of your new place and it has to be a peaceful feeling looking out at it all. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. I feel I live in an incredible place with no neighbors and mountain views, but this takes the price. How do you get in and out? Are there any roads, snow plows, and all those practical things?

  12. Snow is beautiful but at some point a change of seasons is also nice. Hope your spring starts soon.

  13. It is a beautiful place to live. It is still a bit cooler here than usual, just enough that I still can't plant my basil. Low temps in the 40's

  14. Wow, the snow really comes and goes quickly there, doesn't it? What a beautiful spot you have.


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