Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A new bear oasis

Explore, explore, explore. I was riding along on my mountain bike, and a path caught my eye. I turned onto it, and I instantly knew that I'd found the best spot yet for bears near Labrador Valley. It's taking these almost invisible turns that often leads to the best finds.

There's water, there's a stomp trail that extends a long distance, and there are marking trees. Soon, I had a cam there, and the activity has been fascinating.

This was the first footage that I got in that area. It includes a bear swimming in a small pond, and then two bears at a marking tree. I was so overjoyed when I saw the footage on the cams!

Check out the short video. I might call this spot "Bear Land".


  1. Hari OM
    Ooh, that bodes well for future vids! YAM xx

  2. he has good manners, he furst takes a bath so the girls will love his smell ;O)

  3. I'm so glad you found this place and this one has enough water in it that they can really swim and enjoy themselves. I love that tiny Christmas tree that's there to not the one they rub on the one that looks like a tiny Christmas tree. It made me happy to see him swimming and the water hear the water Rippling. I think maybe you should call it bear Spa

  4. How exciting. So glad you found a new spot. How many more will you find.....I'm sure many. So fun to explore new spots.

  5. Always so worth exploring new paths. The swimming spot looks beautifully refereshing!

  6. What a wonderful bear swimming pool!! I can't wait to see more from Bear Land!

  7. I'm excited to see the new bear spot. I bet they'll make good use of the pond through the warm weather.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a wonderful video. I see a baby in the near future. Keep them coming.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. That's the perfect spot for a nice bath and getting himself squeaky clean for his date!

  10. How exciting to find new bear spots! It's interesting to see the bear(s) intentionally walking over that tiny aspen sapling as they leave the scratching tree heading to the right.

    Chris from Boise

  11. How exciting! We can't wait to see more of the camera worthy spots you find around your new home. That looks like quite a big swimming hole.

  12. That full swimming hole makes my heart sing. And it looks like the male really enjoyed it!

  13. Oh yes that is a full swimming hole.
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. That looks like a wonderful swimming hole! We look forward to lots of fun bear videos in the future!

  15. It has to be so fun to explore your new area and what a find you got here!!


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