Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

Another good week in the books for Hachi! He seems like he has a softer personality when things are going well. He's wiggly and affectionate when he greets us. His eyes literally look softer than usual. You can see that in this photo with Shyla.

We've been getting ready for his vet appointment this week. We met with his behavioral vet with whom we identified a series of factors that would make his appointment most likely to go well. Then, it was my job to convey these to our regular vet. I felt very uncomfortable about it because a number of things would require her to bend some rules for us. They included: 1) allow both me and Runner to go in (the limit is one human per dog right now due to Covid), 2) use a big room for the exam, 3) have the vet already be in the room when we bring Hachi in, 4) no techs or other workers should come into the room while Hachi is there, 5) let us do as much of the handling as possible, 6) play the bucket game when we handle him.

That's a lot to ask! And, I'm not good at asking for special treatment. But, for Hachi's sake, I did. Our vet was so receptive and said that we could do all of those things. She also wants to see our videos of the bucket game so that she is ready to play it. I feel really good about this!

Let's hope that Hachi's great state of mind helps him to have a peaceful appointment.

We will be having some workers here this week, and I really hope that it doesn't ratchet up his anxiety. We'll do our best to help him stay relaxed.

We are so happy for good weeks!


  1. all paws are crossed... and we love how they look at each other... that makes my heart sing ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    A corner is certainly being approached, if not quite yet rounded... any vet truly worth their tag ought to be adaptable like this, for it is first and foremost about the dog but also about the safety of all present, including the vet themselves. Everything crossed for you. YAM xx

  3. We have Four Paws cross and four fingers crossed that this will work out and I'm so glad that you have a vet that will work with you

  4. I hope all goes well and I'm glad you asked.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  5. It's wonderful you've found vets who are understanding and willing to accommodate Hachi's needs. It seems to me it is a win-win as he'd be less stressed and less likely to lash out.

    Have a great week!

  6. Your vet sounds great. I completely understand how you were reluctant to ask for special treatment. I know I would feel the same. I suspect your vet realises you would have good reasons for asking for the particular arrangements.
    All the best for when the visit comes around.
    Cheers, Gail,

  7. I agree with Bertie and Gail what a gem you have with your vet!!
    Good luck

  8. The best vets and eye surgeons are worth more than Gold Bullion. I hope the bucket game and the visit go so well, your worries can be left behind, and Hachi will shine with delight as he copes. Love the grassy views, down here, frigid temps down south, gale winds nearer us, and all winter woolies ready.

  9. Hachi's eyes do look completely diffeent in these pictures. The whites aren't showing, and he looks relaxed. And I agree with the others, you do have a gem of a vet!

  10. Having a plan for the vet visit, with the veterinarian on board, should help a LOT. Kudos to your vet for listening to you! All fingers and toes crossed that the appointment goes smoothly.

    It must feel amazing to Hachi to discover that he doesn't have to be on high alert Every Single Moment. The relaxed fun that you're seeing is a huge step forward (as you well know).

    Chris from Boise

  11. holding only the Best thoughts. I'm So Glad you can be right up front with your Vet!
    HACHI is the most important thing. he's come so Far! he's showing great Courage.
    can't wait to see how it goes. you have a Whole Village here cheering you on! XOXO

  12. So glad your vet was receptive to bending the rules for Hachi's sake. Yay!! Sometimes, all it takes is asking to receive an accommodation.

  13. Hope the vet appointment goes well. Love your second photo :)

  14. Such a wonderful week for dear Hachi and I'm so glad your regular Vet is doing what needs to be done.

  15. We are keeping our paws crossed that all goes well for Hachi. It sounds like your vet is willing to learn how to help special pups like Hachi.

  16. We are very proud of Hachi. I hope he does a great job at the vets. We believe!

  17. OMD, it is SUCH a good sign that the vettie is so open to accommodate Hachi's needs! I thinks this is the vettie for him fursure! Gots my paws crossed everythings goes smoothly!
    Ruby ♥

  18. That is great your vet is willing to work with you and bend some rules. We have our paws crossed the visit will go alright. Maybe Hatchi will surprise everyone and do fairly well.

  19. I'm the same way about asking for special treatment, so I understand how hard it can be. It sounds like you have a wonderful vet. I hope the appointment goes (or has gone) well. ♥


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