Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

We are having a flower year like 2019 - when I took this photo of our Black Dog almost dwarfed by the flowers. 

Just today when I was playing with Shyla, I remembered how R used to opportunistically plunge his snout into my treat bag. He'd snarf treats as fast as he could until I managed to extricate his mouth. One time, I was squatting down, and he dove into the treat bag with such force that he flipped me onto my back (I was fine). He was a Character!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    LOL - Living out his labrador genes! YAM xx

  2. If I ever look so getting close to a three bag I'm sure he would do the same thing.

  3. Just A Little Enthusiastic - A Hungry Dogs Is A Happy Dog - Run On BLK Dog - Run On


  4. He was such a lovely dog, a few dives into the treat bag is just normal for a dog. If my dogs would read this, they would so wonder why I don't have a treat bag. Treats are in the kitchen cabinet and come out one by one. That picuture is so sweet. Love him.

  5. We can just picture R doing that and we're sure, looking back, it makes you laugh, even if he did put you on your back once. BOL!

  6. That's funny! I wouldn't have guessed R would be mischievous like that (sounds like something Luke would do)! :)

  7. Going down for something as sweet your boy searching for treats seems like the 'pawfect' way to spend some time.

  8. Oh Black Dog - you still make us laugh!

    Chris from Boise

  9. Oh how I love you beautiful Black Dog! you never cease to bring a huge smile!

  10. R was not only handsome and fun and smart but he KNEW where the good stuff was kept.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Forever, R, you are the happiest Black Dog ever, Snarfing treats, how could you? Love the photo of R and the flowers, this is how I always see you, a smile and beautiful black coat shining .

  12. He wanted what he wanted and knew how to get it, smart dog! Lovely photo.

  13. I am glad you have memories that can make you smile.


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