Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla loves to swim and she especially loves to swim to retrieve sticks from the water. We had fun this week in our new neck of the woods using our daily mountain bike ride to visit a spot where she could swim and play fetch. We were both so happy about it!


Having water along our regular routes has made our summer outings better for Shyla. She can cool off along the way which makes her much peppier on warm days.

We have both loved the lush meadows and the wildflowers. They're amazing!

Shyla met a pair of our new neighbors one evening this week. She was so gently friendly that she made friends with them instantly. Somewhere along the path of her life, she became a totally happy and outgoing dog. I still glow when I see her making friends with strangers.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. You photograph so beautifully, Shyla! We love the picture of you smiling with your retrieved stick.

  2. Hari Om
    Oh yes, Shyla gal-dog... you are in your element, there is no doubt! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. today I have THREE favorite photos, I can't pick just one. she is smiling around that stick and looks so happy in all three photos. i know the feeling of watching her make friends with strangers. Beau loves strangers, he greets everyone, but I know who is comfy with a big dog by the way they stand and hold themselves. he thinks all humans want to pet him, not true...

  4. Happy Shyla made me smile. It doesn't get much better than this. Thanks for sharing these lovely, happy pictures.

  5. She Is A True Reflection Of Her Human - Well Done KB - Well Done

    Go Team Human

  6. It's great to hear Shyla is doing so well and enjoying your new home.

  7. Mom says I need to take lessons from Lucy on how to make friend...or maybe from Shyla! XOX Xena

  8. Shyla, you are so beautiful, we'd love to meet you and give you a hug too.

  9. Oh should I ever meet Shyla I would look forward to a hug
    Hugs cecilia

  10. Oh beloved Shyla.

  11. I don't think Shyla could have had a better life.

  12. I love that she swims!! Our first Lab mix, Maggie, just loved to swim and retrieve sticks too. ♥

  13. Lucky girl, I'm sure the water feels great after a run in the heat.

  14. No doubt the wildflowers are loving the recent rains as much as us uprights. 😊


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