Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 25, 2021

A mother bear and her cub near Lab Valley

 A black bear sow and her cub are living near Labrador Valley. My cam spotted them on a path with a lot of bear marking trees - but remarkably few bears yet this year. The mother checked out a marking tree and rubbed her scent on it. This is just like what I have seen with Mohawk and her cub near our old place. The cub was very interested in the tree and what his mom was doing. He was so cute!

Check out the short video!


  1. they are super! love how the little one followed its mom..

  2. Adorable...Mom is putting a little Eau de Evergreen behind her ears
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. That little one is having so much fun!! ♥

  4. What a beautiful mom and her adorable little cub!

  5. Oh that cub is ever so cute. What a wonderful video.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. He.she was so playful, and I can hear the words " Mum wait a while and let me play with this tree" and the trunk is so pliable, I always wonder why they don't snap. Mum trundles off as the cub runs, another lovely insight of the life in Lab Valley.

  7. How fun to see the mom and her cub. The little one looked like he wanted to climb the tree but mom didn't give him enough time to try it.

  8. So cute, the little one really wanted to investigate that tree, but mom had other things on her mind. Or so it seemed to me.

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  10. Seeing that little cub walking upright was too cute!

  11. The cub is trying so hard to do what his mother is doing too. What a cutie! I got a kick out of it running ahead...just like any other toddler!


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