Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thankful Thursday

This phase has been one of the busiest and most frantic in a long time. We are in the process of selling our old house, and we are trying to get things set up at the new house. We don't have all the storage places that we need yet (cabinets, closets, etc) so there are a lot of boxes placed willy nilly as we bring them from the old house. All the while, we are planning more renovations... but we don't know when they'll start.

I have wondered out loud more than once why we decided to uproot our lives like this. Fortunately, there's a good answer so it all feels worth it. Labrador Valley is so beautiful, wild, and makes us feel free. That's why it's worth it.

The flowers are stupendous, and the pollinators are hard at work. This reminds me of a person deciding to stick her whole face in the ice cream bowl!

The Columbines are opening!


And some are fully open!

Columbines are my favorite flower. They are sprinkled throughout the valley but there are none right by the house. At our old place, I spent a long time getting a Columbine garden to thrive, and it has been hard to leave it. So, last fall, I collected seed pods from my Columbine garden and planted them at Labrador Valley. Many of them are growing but, as I knew ahead of time, it'll be a year or two until they bloom. Until then, I'll nurture them and enjoy the wild ones.

One evening after yet another frantic day of trying to make headway on my to-do list, we hiked up to the viewpoint above Labrador Valley. The sunset was stupendous! That's called a "banner cloud". They occur on very windy days. The cloud dwarfed the mighty Continental Divide.

I am thankful that nature keeps showing her beauty and reminding me why we're working so hard to make this transition.



  1. we love the bee photo... bee-autiful, indeed ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    It has long been acknowledge that one on of THE most stressful events in life is moving home... but you are on the downward slope now - so keep looking upon those columbines and clouds! YAM xx

  3. Such beautiful pictures of the nature around you. I'm always amused at how the different insects collect pollen and nectar on the flowers.

  4. What a lovely and wild area you live in. So beautiful. I know you'll get those flowers to be as beautiful in your new home and they are in your old home.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Labrador Valley is beautiful and I'm thankful during your most stressful moments you have it to gaze on for reassurance
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Such an incredibly beautiful place you live in. It truly will be all worth when the move and the renovations are in the rear view mirror. In the meantime, I know you'll continue to seize the opportunities to de-stress in the great outdoors.

  7. Oops, got caught up in the beauty, thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Your photos are just glorious, KB!

  9. Whoa...that banner cloud made for a banner sunset!! Absolutely beautiful.

  10. The bee photo in particular I love.

  11. Hang in there, KB! Upheaval is too mild a word for such a change. Glad you have bees and blossoms to help keep this move in perspective. Scritches to the pups, and share a hug with the Runner.

    Chris from Boise

  12. That banner cloud is incredible!!! Moving is tough. We bet your old home sells very quickly. Good luck with the columbine garden. They are so beautiful.

  13. Moving is stressful AND expensive. Having Labrador Valley for you and your hubby and the pups will be well worth it.

  14. Such wonderful views will make it all worthwhile!!

  15. You have been fortunate to live in two gorgeous places. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  16. When everything is settled you will look back and realize all the work has been worth it. Just getting the other house sold will take a big burden off of you.

  17. I remember selling our old house and buying the new one was one of the most stressful things we ever did in our lives. But it was totally worth it, and we do not regret it one bit! I hope you get through the stressful part soon so you can settle in and just enjoy Labrador Valley!

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