Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

It is wildflower time, a time that I will always associate with the serene moments that our Black Dog and I shared in the flowers. No matter how busy my day had been, I'd forget everything else while we hung out together in the incredible beauty. I can almost feel that peacefulness just by looking at the photos and remembering.

He had such a spark in his eye even though it was blind, as if he was listening raptly to what I was telling him. 

Have a happy and peaceful Black Dog Sunday.


  1. You were such a handsome boy, R♥

  2. Your Black, shiny, handsome precious dog R looked very peaceful in the yellow wildflower field
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Sweet memories of R! So handsome and so loving.

  4. R, always smiling, so loving, so full of life each time you were there in the wild flowers, always in our hearts.XXX

  5. He was listening, I have no doubt. :)

  6. That sweet R face still brings smiles.

  7. Love him, my eyes tear up just looking at this dog I never met. There are a few dogs on the blogs that I react to this way. I have no idea how it is possible, but there it is, as my husband used to say.

  8. oh my. Inger says it better than I ever could. there is just something about R.
    I will never ever tire of seeing that wonderful face.

  9. Such a beautiful memory of your black dog in the wild flowers.

  10. Hey there you handsome devil! Still bringing joy to the world I see....
    Ruby ♥

  11. Thanks for continuing to share your beautiful sweet boy on Sundays.


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