Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla is happy and seems healthy. She finished the four week course of antibiotics for leptospirosis. Now, we are watching and waiting to make sure that it doesn't come back. We also measure how much water she drinks every single day!

She and I are loving the wildflowers in Labrador Valley. It's fun not knowing what flowers will bloom in each part of Labrador valley. I'm curious to see what happens next here.

 Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Great to hear that Shyla's in good form. And welcome to the fluid intake monitoring club. (Bertie currently at c.450 ml per day).

  2. Hari OM
    Yay for health and yellow flowers... YAM xx

  3. You look so happy prancing through the beautiful wildflowers, Shyla!

  4. She is not tiptoeing through the Tulips she is racing through the wildflowers and I just love that picture. In a couple of years you'll know what to look for and when to look for it

  5. Yes, A Very Happy Saturday - Go Team Human


  6. We love seeing that happy Shyla face!

  7. Shyla you look absolutely gawgeous romping in the Rocky Mountain wildflowers in the field
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Shyla does look like she is feeling good. So glad you caught it in time.

  9. Look at all those flowers, amazing! Great shot of your happy Shyla.

  10. We're glad to hear Shyla is doing well. She sure looks happy romping through the wild flowers.

  11. It is wonderful to hear she is doing well. We hope you will share all the wonderful flowers you discover in Lab Valley!!!

  12. Wow...the valley wildflowers are just gorgeous. Shyla looks very happy running through them.

  13. I'm so glad Shyla came through all that and can be back to romping through the flowers!


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