Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 18, 2021

Mohawk the Black Bear and her Cub

My trail cams revealed more mischief by our cub of the year. Just after a bath, the cub's mom ambled to a marking tree that our bears visit frequently. While she checked it out, the cub messed with my camera, again! I'm glad that the cub isn't bigger because the cameras would have been damaged by a bigger bear. His mom, Mohawk, grew up among my cams so she's seen them for all of her life. She doesn't seem to notice them anymore.

Watching this cub makes me wonder about the social development of a single cub. Mohawk's last litter consisted of two cubs, and they focused their play on each other. This cub doesn't have another cub to play with. I wonder how it will affect this cub? It's probably part of why he's noticing the cams and messing with them.

I do know that mother bears who have only one cub occasionally go into heat because the one cub's nursing isn't sufficient to prevent estrus. I've been wondering why Mohawk is visiting the trees that male bears mark during mating season. Is she perhaps looking for a mate? That's another risk in a single cub litter.

Check the short video of Mohawk and her cub.


  1. love this two.... if thy ever need a new home... they can come (LOL)

  2. Hari Om
    BOL - Cubster sure knows how to find those cameras! Mohawk is so beautiful, what boar could resist her? YAM xx

  3. I hope this precious cub stops liking your camera before he gets big enough to destroy it. They both make me smile especially when she put her Paul out to hold down the grass and now I have this image in of these two going to the easy family in France

  4. Ohhhh what a darling and mischievous little cub. Of course when you are that cute you can get by with a lot.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What a little pest that cub is turning out to be. We hope your cameras survive his early months.

  6. That baby got busy with your stuff, I hope he forgets about it as he grows bigger. I love these nature videos. Thanks for setting them up and editing the films, you do such a great job.

  7. What a brat! Hopefully, as Inger has mentioned it will get less interested in the camera.

  8. Mohawk's cub is sure showing way too much interest in your cam!

  9. Baby needs some toys!!! So glad the older ones ignore the trail cam, and maybe as times passes, the little one will ignore it too. Pity he doesn't have a brother to wrestle with.

  10. Aw, that cub is most adorable. I so enjoy your videos. I was wondering if the cub was going take down the camera.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. Those sweet bear faces always make us smile!

  12. Baby Cub needs a name - Scamp???? Maybe his mom thinks a playmate would keep him entertained:)


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