Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for Lab Valley. I've never lived on a meadow before now, and I am loving having the meadow flowers right outside my door.

We are having an incredible flower year so far. Just down Lab Valley from our house, Shyla ran through the Golden Banner flowers.


Then, she watched my back while I photographed the wild irises. They don't last long so I am trying to enjoy them every single day while they bloom. I took this one with an "artistic" lens which softens everything but the part that is in focus. It's a tough lens to learn to use but I like this image.

As I was photographing an Iris the other day, an insect landed on it, drinking its pollen.

What an incredible time of year! I love living in a meadow where there is so much beauty. I will be sharing more of it as summer unfolds!


  1. it's so beautiful... your place is a deam ;O)

  2. You look so happy, Shyla, and the Dutch Iris are just gorgeous!

  3. You are living in a small piece of paradise and the perfect place to get all these Gorgeous Flowers and that last one is my favorite

  4. You're describing spring to me. That's what I feel when the flowers arrive and the world comes alive. It's a wonderful time.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. Such beautiful wild flowers! We can't wait to see what else blooms in your meadow all summer long.

  6. Beautiful! What an incredible place to live. Enjoy!

  7. Even more beautiful possibilities for your lovely photos!!

  8. Shyla in the meadow - beautiful! I especially liked the last photo. That insect is a bee mimic, I think a syrphid fly (flower fly or hover fly): https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/pollinator-of-the-month/flower_flies.shtml

    Looking for more of these meadow photos as the season unfurls!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Rowan had a very happy Greenbelt walk along the Boise river yesterday; we were able to calmly look at other dogs from a distance and the one time one of them gave her a hard stare (in return, I must admit), she regained her brain before a full growling/lunging tantrum happened. :-) Very pleased with our progress!

  9. Your photos are always such wowers and so is sweet Shyla!

  10. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. You couldn't have planned that insect at that precise moment. That's a great lens, and you seem to have the hang of it just fine.

  12. Your photos of the iris are beautiful - you are so good with the camera. Happy Shyla:)

  13. Something new is always nice. Hope the flowers stick around for you.

  14. How wonderful to have a meadow so full of life! You've shown the best of the beautiful Iris. The blooming season for them is so short, and you have to enjoy them while they're here.

  15. One of my favorite things on the blogs, something I wait for all winter, is to see a picture of Shyla running through a field of yellow flowers. That you now have that field at your doorstep is just wonderful. Lab Valley is a special place. Thanks for the lobely picture of her. She's so special.

  16. -- lovely picture --I meant to say. As it is, absolutely lovely.

  17. Oh, those photos are just beautifuls! That lens sounds like the 'portrait' setting on the iphone ~ though, Ma has never gotten such a FABulous pic as that! Though, I don't thinks it's the iphone's fault 🤣
    Ruby ♥

  18. Your macro images of that iris are amazing! Thank you for sharing. All of May's rain showers really have made for a beautiful wildflower show in June.


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