Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Shyla Saturday

This week, Shyla started the second antibiotic in the treatment plan for leptospirosis. It made a big difference! Her water drinking dropped from 2000 ml per day to 1200-1500 ml per day. Now, we are truly in the "normal zone". I feel relieved.

Shyla and Hachi have been loving springtime at Lab Valley. Shyla is the best big sister that I can imagine. Our electronic photo frame has been showing photos from two years ago when Shyla was teaching Hachi how to play. This was during a very stressful phase in our dog life. Hachi was turning on our Black Dog, and we were awaiting a far off appointment with a behavioral vet. I've been so cautious with Hachi ever since those dark days that I am surprised that I trusted him and Shyla together. I'm so glad that I did!

I think that the days when Shyla was guiding Hachi on how to play cementing their friendship.


At this instant, Shyla and I are enjoying our first afternoon on the deck. The sound of the raging creek is peaceful. The air is warm. Shyla is snoozing, and I am relaxing. Happy Day!

 Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. We are so happy to hear this great news! You are such a gorgeous girl, Shyla - inside and out.

  2. Hari OM
    So good to read of this improvement for Shyla - and, indeed, that her relationship with Hachi remains postive. YAM xx

  3. Dear sweet Shyla, I am mesmerized by your eyes. kisses sweet girl and you did a fantastic job of raising Hachi

  4. That looks like such a delightful time with sweet Shyla and Hachi too.

  5. Here's to more relaxing days as summer begins to unfold.

  6. Shyla you are a gemstone!! Hachi is lucky to be loved by you. You 2 look like you are running a stick relay~!!
    Gorgeous photo of your golden eyes.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Yes! happy day in every way.

  8. That does indeed sound like a perfect Shyla Saturday. Enjoy!

  9. Enjoy your day and your dogs. Shyla always makes me smile! :)

  10. I guess Hachi would attack your black dog because they were both males? It's wonderful that he and Shyla get along so well. Shyla has certainly let her "specialness" shine.

  11. Lovely photos, Shyla has the prettiest eyes!

  12. We're glad to hear you are enjoying your new home and the peaceful sound of that near by creek. That last picture of Shyla is so beautiful.

  13. Shyla, you are the bestest my furiend! I hopes your Moms wants to adopt me too! then you can be MY big Sis! That would be pawsome!!!! 😉
    Ruby ♥

  14. Be Well Humans - Fantastic Update - Will Be Sending Goodness Your Way



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