Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 4, 2021

Spa day for Tiny

At the bears' favorite bathing spot, Tiny was the first of the year to take a dip. Check out the video and smile along with me.


  1. he has the same look like our ad when he sits in the bathtub... he only needs a newspaper and a drink ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my Bear - will ya look at that - g'day Tiny and welcome back into life!!! YAM xx

  3. Tiny sure did enjoy his bath!

  4. i wnat to hug him. I know I can't but I still want to... he is so beautiful and makes my heart warm watching him doze in the water... it must feel sooo good

  5. I think he needs a deeper tub. ha ha

  6. It's so nice to see Tiny and know he is okay!

  7. How wonderful it is to see Tiny enjoying his spa time!

  8. Hey Tiny... looks like you have found the purrfect spa spot too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. OMD, Tiny looks like Ma did just the other day! Okays, so he's cuter 🤣
    Ruby ♥

  10. 55F translates to about 12.5C, and I am guessing the water was not warmer either. He yawned, and even washed his face, that first dip must have been wonderful for Tiny.

  11. Oh what a wonderful video. He's enjoying every minute.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. What a great idea Tiny! If only I could be as relaxed as you seem to be!!

  13. Tiny could earn good money promoting the benefits of a mud bath!

  14. Nothing beats drinking the water you are taking a bath in, LOL!

  15. He does make the most of it!! :)

  16. How we love seeing Tiny!!! We kept waiting for him to go all the over on his back and float:)

  17. How fun to get this glimpse into Tiny's life. We thought Tiny might just fall asleep in the pool.

  18. Well that was fun! Tiny used that marking tree almost like Q-Tips on his face. 😊

  19. Oh my, how neat to catch that on video. Tiny looks like he is getting muddier than clean. He reminded me at the beginning of getting used to a pool with cold water a little at a time.

  20. He looks like he really needed to take a bath and relax.


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