Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tiny the Black Bear on the Mating Trail

On the same bear marking trail as I featured last week, Tiny the Black Bear marked soon after the others. First, a sow came through, sniffing the tree to see what bears had marked it. It is possible that the sow was a long-time beau of Tiny's but I am not certain yet. Then, Tiny followed about six days later. He was in fine form, obviously ready for mating season to get underway.

Enjoy the video!


  1. we love tiny... we always smile when we read his name and see what a big guy he is now ;O)

  2. who can watch TINY and not SMILE? not me! back and forth, back and forth, and so cute if something that size can be called cute.

  3. He is such a handsome boy and so HUGE!

  4. Agree with the above. Absolutely impossible not to smile at the sight of Tiny sitting back and rubbing himself against the tree!

  5. Hooray Tiny, we're always happy to know you are okay!

  6. What happens at the tree stays at the tree except that you have video, LOL!

  7. He's ready for a female bear. Great video.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. We hope Tiny finds a girl or two to hook up with for all the effort he puts into marking that tree.

  9. I love to see him sitting, those feet propped out in front, and is he favouring one hind leg, or is that the way he walks, waddling off slowly? SO glad to see Tiny here again,He was so sure he had to go back and have another turn, then the next day a very brief stop, loved it all.

    1. Yes, he is favoring his right hind paw. It has been injured for a few years, and he ist still doing fine! I'm glad that you loved it!

  10. Tiny you look quite comfy all you need is a tall glass of ice tea...sweet of course.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Interesting to watch. I have to think that not only is he marking the tree but I bet it feels good to rub up against it. Like a good back scratch!

  12. YAY, it's TINY!!! He looks great, although he still has that telltale gait:( He certainly is interested in that sow's scent:)

  13. Wahoo!!! I always love the first Tiny sighting of the season!!

  14. Tiny sure punctuated his mating interest, didn't he? Always love seeing your forest baby.


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