Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

We had a lunar eclipse last week that we woke up very early to see. Much of our world was under the cover of clouds but the moon found a clear spot of sky to shine. It didn't quite reach totality before it dropped below the horizon.


Soon after the moon set, the sky began to get light. A mountain bluebird appeared and began calling from a treetop.

It was worth getting up so early to see the mountains with alpenglow.

This post was not so wordless today but I needed to explain the photos!


  1. beautiful! we missed the moon .. like always ;O)

  2. Just beautiful! The bluebird shot is our favorite♥

  3. super shot of the blue bird... the moon looks like cotton candy or icecream. beautiful

  4. Wonderful shots! We missed the eclipse as it was cloudy and overcast here - even so, I'm too lazy to get up that early. :)

  5. Getting up early to see that beauty is a very good thing. Thank you for sharing it with us. You're a whiz with a camera.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Such beautiful sights you shared today. Thanks for getting up early.

  7. KB My wordless Wednesday are rarely wordless. I'm glad for your explanation. Goodness me what a glorious
    post of the lunar eclipse.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Wonderful photography! thank you! for the words And the pictures. xo

  9. Down here, the hours before the eclipse were stunning, that huge moon, some talented photographers posted their photos, I couldn't get a great view, but the next morning it was still shining. Love your snow tops with that glow, beautiful.

  10. The bluebird picture is gorgeous, I'm in love with it. It sort of made my day.

  11. Wonderful photos and worth the explanations!

  12. Such beauty everywhere!! The moon always seems so much bigger in the mountains!

  13. Incredible photos!!! Nice of the bluebird to show up at the right moment.

  14. Lovely. Thanks for waking up so early and taking the time to post the photos.

  15. It's always pretty when the snow is still in the background but spring is getting fired up in the foreground. Love the bluebird.

  16. You captured the Flower Moon exquisitely.

  17. Gorgeous shots, every one!! ♥


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