Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 30, 2021

Bathing Bears!!

We are in the warm days of summer, and bears LOVE to bathe in a secluded wallow. I find nothing as relaxing as watching bears roll around in the cool water. They so obviously completely enjoy themselves. Seeing them bathe has become one of my favorite aspects of summer.

The wallow in this video has been so popular - many bears have bathed in it so far this summer. Check out these two big male bears enjoying the water. Note that one has a damaged ear, probably from a fight with another bear. The other bear is a little smaller but is getting close to being one of the bigger bears in the area.


  1. You had me a 'Bathing Bears'!
    It's the sound effects as much as anything that I love.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    Yes, I agree with Gail - the sound adds so much and gives a sense of 'being there'! YAM xx

  3. live it... and the title of your post is like a song.... fabulous!!!

  4. instead of a bird bath, you have a camera and a bear bath. the faces make me smile, love their big heads and even though i know there is no cuddling, i sure would like to.... i agree with everone else, the sounds make it real

  5. How wonderful the bathing bears are. Lee and Phod

  6. Great footage as usual. They're such interesting creatures - you're giving us a perspective most of us would never know.

  7. Rub-a-dub-dub all the bears in their tub!

  8. Ditto to Brian...that was my thought exactly
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Who can resist bathing bears? Great video!

  10. I think humans could learn a lot about relaxing from bears!

  11. We always enjoy seeing the bears relaxing in their spa!

  12. I am glad they have the watering hole because no HVAC installers will work on a den.


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