Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for everything in this image - the flowers, the green grass, the sky, the trees, and, most of all, Shyla.

I have found it to be too easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of how lucky we are to have so much good in our life. I find my mind grinding through my "to do" list as I'm riding my bike with Shyla instead of reveling in our ride. As I realize that I'm missing out on the wonderful aspects of life by letting my mind spin too much, I often stop and look around me while talking to Shyla about the beauty. The flowers are so incredible, and Shyla is the best friend who I can imagine.

In the news department, we sold our old place. We are renting it back for a while just in case the work on the new place becomes too much for us to handle. I am thankful to have a quiet place to go, even if just for the day.



  1. that are good news... and we love your post... it is this relationship with a dog what opens our eyes for things we often can not notice when we are without...

  2. Hari OM
    BIG gratitude abounds here today!!! YAM xx

  3. congratulations on the sale, and a great idea to keep it until you have no need. I talk to Beau when we walk, he loves it. me talking I mean and he does talk back, just not with words. he is very close to being a human

  4. It's wonderful to hear the old place has sold, but you're still able to have it available should you need it for the next while. It's tough sometimes to focus on the positive when life seems to get difficult. You've got such a good attitude and a best friend in Shyla to help you overcome those times.

  5. That's a great picture of all that you love. We're glad to hear you sold your home. When there is a lot going on in our lives it's always best to try to enjoy the moments you have to be in a quiet place.

  6. Congratulations on selling your house and making a deal that works for you! I need to spend more time decompressing outdoors too, focusing on where I am at the moment instead of worrying about that long to-do list!

  7. Congratulation on the sale of your house! Love this photo of Shyla and all the beauty around her♥

  8. Yes you need to stop that mind and focus on what Shyla is focused on. The beauty and being alive.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  9. Yes KB my Spark on Monday was about letting go of things we can't control...last sentence was 'life isn't waiting for us'!

    Yay for the sale!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I have to remind myself to focus on my pups when I am with them, instead of always trying to do something else, or think about something else. I'm glad you have come to that realization too. It's better for you and for them.

  11. Congrats on the sale of the old place. That makes for one less thing to worry about and enjoy your biking companion and the scenery more.

  12. Hooray for the sale and hooray for beautiful Shyla and maybe a soft light at the end of the moving journey. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. The picture is just perfect. So lovely.

  14. Congrats on the sale. I don't know if the market in your area is as crazy as the one in ours. It is too easy to forget our blessings. Take care . Lee and Phod

  15. We all need to do more of the same - so much out there to enjoy and appreciate.

    Congrats on the sale. Hope the remaining renovation goes quickly and smoothly.

  16. Congratulations on the house sale. I think we all go through that. I am glad you take time to appreciate the flowers.

  17. We are working hard on taking things slowly and enjoying everything, every day. Mom's out of the blue heart attack has changed her way of thinking about things and we hope it stays this way. It's easy to get caught up in the to do list but life is so much more than that.


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