Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

I remember this day well. We were camped just below the Continental Divide. We'd heard that the wildflowers were stupendous up near the Divide. The Runner and our Black Dog left the LabMobile first, planning to run along the Divide. As they departed, R did his usual celebration - leaping vertically into the air while barking as loud as he could. He was happy to be going running in the mountains.

Shyla and I left a little later under cloudy skies with thunderheads already starting to form. The trails were so steep that I was pushing my bike up some of them. We met the boys after they'd turned around and were running toward our campsite along the Divide. This field of Asters was next to us when we met. I convinced the Runner to take a short break to let me take photos of our Black Dog frolicking in the flowers. Oh, what fun!

Our Black Dog was so happy to be running through the flowers. He made me smile ear-to-ear. He was the definition of joyful.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. We all need to try to be as joyful as you were, R. What a beautiful photo!

  2. R always makes me smile and always did. those black furs stand out in flowers for sure and so does the joy he is showing us

  3. Happy Independence Day KB, Runner, Shyla and Hachi
    R had a zest for each second he always made me smile.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That field of mountain asters is just too cool with your boy running joyfully through them. So beautiful!

  5. That picture brings us joy looking at it today. Thanks for sharing such a fun picture of R.

  6. he IS. that wonderful black dog is Pure Love and Pure JOY! xoxo

  7. What a wonderful photo of R! His joie de vivre makes me smile.


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