Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I found a meadow of yellow flowers. And this one has the Continental Divide in the background!

We've already had such fun there! Our wonderful neighbors own this meadow but have enthusiastically welcomed us. We are lucky to have such good new friends.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Wow! I'm impressed about the Continental Divide being in your photo. And of courseshyla always impressive. And I'm so happy to hear you have good neighbors that is so important

  2. Hari OM
    Good news of all sorts here! YAM xx

  3. Being Neighborly Sounds Delightful - Go Team Human


  4. Shyla surely shines in that beautiful meadow.

  5. Having wonderful friends is a great thing! You look so joyful and happy, Shyla!

  6. How wonderful to discover new posies and new friends!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Neighbours who become really good friends, we have the same, and I cannot say how much that is the biggest bonus of all when you move to a new home, and with a meadow full of flowers, even better for you and Shyla.

  8. Nice! Such a beautiful place to enjoy with Shyla.

  9. Hard to believe you have neighbors out there and hooray for good ones!

  10. What a glorious new playground! Have fun running free in it, Shyla.

  11. Shyla is happy! All that gray makes me think she's starting to look like me. However, I can no longer run through meadows. I'm glad she can!

  12. It's a wonderful thing to have nice neighbors. Glad Shyla looks well and happy.


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