Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 2, 2021

Tiny and a Tiny Cub both at the same marking tree!

 There's a bear marking tree next to a small stream that Tiny loves to cover in his scent. After he marked it in June, a cub was fascinated by it. He sniffed it, almost climbed it, and even tried to do a stomping gait like the big bears do. It led to a very funny gait because the indentations made by Tiny's paws were very far apart for a little cub.

I believe that this was Mohawk's cub. I suspect that she was foraging down by the stream very nearby. You may remember that Mohawk traveled with Tiny during last year's mating season. Therefore, this cub may be Tiny's son!

Check out the video to enjoy the cuteness of this little cub!


  1. oh we remember the two and we wish he is the cuby of that couple...

  2. Oh could they be any cuter? I love that last hop! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I might have some bear DNA... I love to do a very similar back scratch on the door frames.
    Happy 4th and may it be quiet in Labra Valley

  4. What a great video comparing Tiny and (possibly) his son.

  5. How cute the cub is! We could watch him all day long.

  6. I just adore this little guy...and think his name should be Teeny Tiny(after who I hope is his father) ;-)

  7. Aw, adorable times 100.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. What a cutie! He's obviously very interested in Tiny's scent. Though I suspect it wouldn't be a good thing if the two of them met face to face.

  9. this tiny cub looks like a trained circus bear walking around on its hind legs. he is precious

  10. The cub, what a wonderful video, he is so full of fun, and I hope he gets a name too.Love his leap at the end, after seeing maybe his Dad, walking off so slowly and carefully. Love the white nose too. I wonder how big he will grow?

  11. They are so cute. Imagine if the could be domesticated?

  12. The cub is adorably precious. Love the pounce!


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