Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Thankful Thursday

I needed a break from the endless series of tasks that trying to make our new place into a home has entailed. So, I rode my mountain bike almost all day.

Storms chased me all day, and at times, it seemed as if the heavens were about to open up onto me. I'd start to hurry toward shelter. That's what I did right after taking this photo.

Then the storms would recede. After one of the storms, I veered off onto a path that I've never taken before as a whim. It was so worth it. The path and the places that it took me are going to be favorites of mine for a long time.

I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the tasks again tomorrow. I am so thankful that I have this mountain world to explore and make me feel light again.


  1. it is the place where we can recharge our batteries....

  2. A new path brings new journeys. Hello from Malaysia. The sky looks threatening but still has lots of light peeping in. You are lucky to have a mountain world to explore with your canine friends. Following you

  3. What a great way to spend a summer's day (and we all need a break away occasionally). Love that summer meadow in your second photo.

  4. You certainly have the most beautiful place on Earth to recharge and enjoy life. The pictures are just gorgeous. It's been years since I've seen a field of wildflowers

  5. YAY for you taking time for yourself. The tasks always wait right?
    Hugs cecilia

  6. Nature can do wonders for the soul. Beautiful shots of your special place in the mountains.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Hopefully you'll see some light at the end of the construction tunnel soon. You're area really is magical. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. I'm with you, nothing like some time in nature to rejuvenate the soul!!

  9. We're enjoying seeing the new places you find too. What a beautiful lake.

  10. Amazing photos! Your outdoor space is incedible.

  11. Wow - glad you dodged all those storms! Or they dodged you...:-) What a day on the trails; nice to see that you're refilling your cup.

    Chris from Boise

  12. Every once in awhile, you have to do what you NEED to do. What a gorgeous photo!

  13. That is beautiful scenery! I hardly can be onnthe computer this summer - too many wildflowers blooming and trails beckoning. Enjoy!

  14. Glad you know when and how to give yourself the right break. No dogs with you today?

  15. So Proud Of You - Big Hugs - Go Team Human


  16. We do the same thing when stress hits, go for a long walk, but of course, not in the mountains. It gets us all relaxed and ready to tackle life again.

  17. What exquisite views! So thankful ou are able to share them with us 'city-folks.'

  18. Good for you giving yourself a break, and what a beautiful break it was!


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