Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

These are a couple of moments of joyful mayhem from our Black Dog's life. 

I loved the days that I could ride up to Hug Hill with both halves of the Labraduo. I'd try to get them to pose for me but R's joy would overcome him. After he launched into action, his little sister did too. They'd run straight to me, jumping around asking for treats. I'd end up laughing so hard that their mayhem was rewarded!

I love when Shyla shows signs of that crazy spirit that R infused in her.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!



  1. this is priceless and could be a wordless wed photo because the photo speaks for itself.. I love it

  2. What a joyful picture of R and Shyla. We know R's spirit lives on in Shyla.

  3. how sleek and shiny their coats are in this picture!
    just as sleek and shiny as their spirits remain!
    sending you Love and Gratitude for all that you share here. XO

  4. What a great photo of two happy pups having fun together♥

  5. What a fun photo! I can see the absolute excitement in their postures.

  6. KB....your writings about your beloved pups make my heart sing. R and Shyla were each other heart siblings.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. These two were always such a beautiful pair!! ♥

  8. I look forward to every Sunday for my "R hit"! Thanks for keeping this going, KB.

    Chris from Boise

  9. Such a lovely photo, so easy to miss those special days.

  10. OMD, lookie at you two!!!! Always bringing joy to the world! 🥰
    Ruby ♥

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