Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I have delighted in the wildflowers near Lab Valley. She runs with abandon through the brilliant flowers.

I feel so fortunate that Shyla still wants to run and run at age 9. She's the best companion who I can imagine.

Shyla has had some trouble handling the ongoing noisy construction. When the banging is loud, she tends to hide in the basement. Our behavioral vet prescribed an anti-anxiety medicine that helps her to snooze through the noise. I am so glad for that.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. What a gorgeous photo of you running through your wildflowers, Shyla!

  2. I know all of you will be so happy when that construction is completed

  3. Shyla I'm glad you are out running in the field of wild flowers...only thing out there is beauty, fresh air no noise and most of all Mom
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. What a beautiful picture of a happy Shyla. We don't like construction noise in our house either.

  5. I'm with You Shyla! LOUD man-made noises drive me crazy.
    I would hide in the basement too. I LOVE your pictures in the flower filled field! XOXO

  6. I'm always almost overwhelmed by how beautiful the area you live in is! Though I wouldn't want your winters. :)

    Sleeping through a lot of noise would be much more enjoyable.

  7. Such a beauty! I know you'll all be glad when the construction noise is over!

  8. She's so beautiful and so are the flowers!

  9. Shyla looks beautiful and happy running that the field of flowers. We hope the meds keep her calm and at ease.

  10. Didn't realize Shyla is 9 already. Yes, construction is hard on everyone

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Such a beautiful sight to see her smiling as she runs through the flower meadow.


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