Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

A young Black Dog romping in an incredible meadow of golden flowers.

This was before the stage when we'd have quiet little conversations in the flowers. This was when our young Black Dog wanted to run all day long. He'd gallop through the flowers with such verve that I couldn't help but smile the whole time. When he got to me, he'd leap into the air until I gave him treats. Then, he'd take off for another lap in the flowers. Those were the days!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. the yellow joy of the flowers and the joy in his beautiful face, make for a happy Sunday smile on my face

  2. What a wonderful photo of such a happy boy in his sea of beautiful yellow flowers!

  3. R you are furever loved and missed by all.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. That's one happy dog! Definitely makes me smile.

  5. the singular JOY of one never forgotten forever loved Beautiful Black Dog!

  6. So handsome in that field of yellow flowers.

  7. R sure was full of energy! You can just see his enthusiasm in that picture.

  8. Yes, they were. Such happy memories.

  9. Joy then and now in the lovely memory. R you are always so loved for your joy and enthusiasm. XXX

  10. I've read the last week of your posts and this post is the perfect end to reading because it's so full of love. And, it makes me realize how I've missed being able to visit and have that peek into your life. ❤


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