Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Shyla Saturday

One morning this week, Shyla and I were mountain biking near our fenceline that is closest to the road. We heard a pickup truck hauling an ATV pull up next to the fence. We stopped in the forest to see what was going on. In an instant, two guys hopped out of the truck. One pulled his hoodie up over his head and darted through our fence. The second looked for cars and then followed.

I was shocked, and I yelled to ask what they were doing. I fully expected them to run because I thought that they were up to no good. To my surprise, they stopped and walked toward me. Shyla immediately decided that they were scary and hid behind some trees.

To make a long story short, they were from the electricity company. They wanted to access a power line that was on our land. The problem was that the power line was a half mile away, and their easement runs only 10' on each side of the line. So, they bluntly told me that they had been planning to sneak to the power line under the radar. They said that it was more efficient to work that way than to find landowners and get permission. Meanwhile, Shyla was still hiding.

To make a long story short, I made them leave, and I told them to come back later in the day when I knew that Hachi would not be off-leash and the Runner would be around (the two of them were on an off-leash run on our land when this was going on). I am still aghast at the behavior of the electric company employees.

Shyla reads situations really well. Unlike Hachi, she hides if she doesn't like a situation. If it had been Hachi with me, it would have been a bad confrontation. Both of our dogs are fearful but they handle it so differently. Most of the time, Shyla's retiring manner is easier to handle than Hachi's feisty manner.

The rest of our week of rides was much more peaceful. We played in the flowers and enjoyed summertime.

That fearfulness is still deep inside Shyla. Usually, it is completely hidden because she knows that she's safe when navigating everyday life.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Wow, how brazen can some people be. We had some local council men drive into our other home in their truck, park it, get out and inspect the stream. I told them they had to contact us first, and come to the door and ask.I do hope that this episode doesn't leave scary feelings for any of you. Shyla, make sure you have a safe hidey hole ready when strange men appear. So good you found that tree.

  2. Hari OM
    there is so much wrong with that scenario... over here, all such workers have badges on their trucks/vans/cars, clearly stating the company for whom they are acting. They also have to carry paperwork as proof of their purpose.

    Then there is their lack of consideration as to occupancy by critters, not to mention the possibility of owner's dogs which even the best of might take exception to such unannouced visitation - yet the horrible thing is (here at least), unless the owner has signs up warning of possible danger from their pets, even burglers can sue for bites and such... I hope you don't have to deal with too much of this sort of thing! YAM xx

  3. That is a scary situation and Shyla read it right. I'm glad you're both okay!

  4. It's too bad they think it was okay to sneak onto your property. We hope they will learn to call before entering your property next time.

  5. That's scary, I'm not too trusting of strangers these days either. Shyla looks beautiful as always!

  6. poor sweet girl, sorry you are still afraid.. so glad there was no Hachi confrontation, like Yam said, there is always the suing thing, . i have never understood the laws, like a hole in our yard and someone comes on the property and steps in and breaks a leg, makes no sense, just like this... glad it turned out ok we have crazy laws here in FL and a lot of people have Posted No trepassing signs and beware of dog signs to protect themselves from things happening to intruders. our world is quiet mad

  7. It's stunning to see the arrogance, disrespect and cluelessness of workers these days. Glad it turned out okay but I'd definitely consider registering a complaint with the utility company. Perhaps with enough calling out, this kind of behavior can be curtailed.

  8. bless you darling Shyla!

  9. Dang that was some never to assume it was ok.
    They best thank their lucky stars Hachi wasn't there.
    Give Shyla hug

  10. I think you should contact the electric company. They should be made aware of what their employees are doing. If it had been me, my dogs would not have been happy either and I might have greeted them with a phone taking a video and showing it to the elec company. Maybe the electric company does not care but it does not hurt to try.

  11. Sheesh. Sorry you had to deal with this, but glad you were on the scene to catch them. I agree - contact the electric company. Not OK.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Shyla is a smart girl. :-)

  12. You're brave. Or not smart...just like me!! I think Shyla's protectiveness of you would have outweighed her fear if they had meant to harm you. Glad it all worked out ok.

  13. I hope you've been in contact with the utility company. That's just ridiculous - dangerous for them if Hachi had been off-leash and so frightening and stressful for the pups. Good on you for letting the guys know you were there and perhaps they'll think twice before accessing the property without permission.

  14. We live in a country where the belief is it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.


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