Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Mama black bear and her cub near Labrador Valley

Near Lab Valley, a Mama bear has one cub. We've spotted them previously, and it seems like they are staying in a fairly small area. At another marking tree, a male bear did his dance to mark the tree. Then, the mom and her cub came along. The mama bear marked the tree while the cub climbed it! It was so fun to see.

It's a short video. Enjoy!


  1. thanks for the video... we always dreamed of a cat to climb on trees to get the pigeons, but now we see a bear is much better ;O)

  2. What a cute video. We love seeing that little one climb the tree so easily.

  3. that scampering baby bear has me laughing out loud. just climbed right up over the mama like she was a tree also

  4. It was fun to see those two out n' about!

  5. What a little character! It's amazing how to see them play.

  6. What a cute little bear...he has a very good mom too.
    I'm glad to hear Hachi had a good week too
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Hee, hee...that baby is just too stinkin' cute. Love his gymnastics coming down!

  8. What a fun video that made us smile. Thank you!

  9. How cute to see the cub playing in the tree while Mama does her thing!


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