Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 19, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

It was a week of taking it easy for Hachi. We had construction going on every day so we didn't want to push Hachi in any other way. He did well with the construction. All week long, I felt that he was pretty relaxed. I could actually feel how relaxed he was when we played the Bucket Game - he wasn't stiff or resisting me when I poked and prodded him during the game. That is great for Hachi!

We spent one-on-one time together when the Runner was home to hang out with Shyla (to prevent her from being upset). Hachi and I spent time in the most spectacular meadow in Lab Valley. The yellow flowers there are stupendous.

In the past, I've had the feeling that Hachi was a bit tense about our solo flower time. This time, I brought lots of very tasty treats, and we played treat games in the flowers. One game was simply tossing him treats to snarf out of the air. Another game was our "1, 2, 3" game where I say those numbers and always drop a treat on the ground in sync with the "3". Hachi loves this game. It's one that we're working on to use to help Hachi when we run into a surprise trigger like a person appearing out of nowhere.

This photo was just before I tossed him a treat. Look at that focus!

It was a good week for Hachi - and that makes us all happy.


  1. oh we love the good news... and the flowers... that is amazing...like playing on a golden carpet :=)

  2. Great news and you look especially handsome among the beautiful yellow flowers, Hachi!

  3. Hari OM
    OH - a post and pictures that made me giggle - the happiness transferred itself!!! YAM xx

  4. We're so glad to hear Hachi had a good week. He looks so handsome sitting among those yellow flowers.

  5. Every year I look forward to your fields of yellow flowers. And the flowers and your pictures never disappoint. Seeing Hachi in them, looking so well, only adds to the pleasure. I think I will play the 1,2,3 game with Faith. She will enjoy it. Samson would hate it as he want his treat, now or earlier if possible.

  6. thanks for my morning laugh, that happened at the FOCUS photo. hilarious and beautiful and oh so sweet. I may try the 1 2 3 drop treat

  7. You GO Hachi! you've got this! XO

  8. Those yellow flowers provide such a beautiful backdrop for your handsome sweet boy.

  9. That field of flowers are so beautiful and I'm so happy Hachi has had a good week. He's most handsome.

    Have a woof woof day and week, Hachi. My best to your mom and lots of scritches to you and your sister. ♥

  10. Good boy Hachi! Sounds like a great week.

  11. Well Done Human - Well Done


  12. Way to go handsome Hachi! You sure do look happy and relaxed!!!

  13. One day I hope to read that Hachi relaxes so much he appears to be enjoying all those beautiful yellow wild flowers!
    Cheers, Gail.

  14. I'm so glad it was a good week! I hope this one ends the same way!!

  15. Your love and devotion makes such a difference in these dogs' lives.

  16. He looks like a rock star surrounded by those flowers!

  17. Way to go Hachi!!! Sounds like one helluva week for ya dude!!! And that 'focus' pic is FABulous!!!! Those must be some AMAZIN' treaties!!! Hook a gurl up will ya??? 😂
    Ruby ♥

  18. It's so great to hear that Hachi had a good week. He is so handsome!! ♥

  19. Sounds like you have some really good games for him that he loves. He is a good pup.


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