Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

It was our Black Dog who taught me to seize the days when the wildflowers are blooming. Over his whole life, I loved spending time in the flowers with him. As you can see from this photo of a youngish Black Dog, he didn't become totally focused on me until later in his life. In this one, he is contemplating his next adventure which definitely was going to start over my right shoulder!

He was such a fun dog. As a younger dog, he always kept me on my toes because I never knew what he might do next. Of course, whatever it was, it would involve lots of happy fun. Sometimes it was digging dirt and sometimes it was greeting a human. He loved everyone although his black color meant that some people were wrongly wary of him.

Today, I spent time in the flowers with Hachi, in memory of the wonderful times in the flowers with R. I emphasized the fun, fun, fun, and Hachi smiled for much of the time! Black Dog memories are still shaping our lives.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari Om
    R watches over Hachi's shoulder... YAM xx

  2. sometimes i sit and stare at Big Boy's black face and I can still feel the joy of looking at it when he was still with us. this beautiful black face makes me feel the same way. joyful memories of your black dog mix with my black dog

  3. Looking at his face, I tear up every time, then I smile because he brought so much joy, not only to your world, but to mine, and the rest of your friends on the blogs as well.

  4. Such happy memories of R and all he taught you. We know he is looking down and helping Hachi.

  5. That handsome face still gets us smiling. Miss you R.

  6. beautiful Beloved black dog. XOXO

  7. What a teacher, that R!

    Chris from Boise

  8. How silly is that people would be wary because he was a black dog? The photo is sweet!

  9. Oh what a shame folks did not REJOYCE in the fact that R was eager to meet them. His handsome face is 10000% full of love...
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Beautiful flowers like those create such wonderful memories with such handsome boy(s).


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