Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Shyla Saturday

What a year for flowers! I've run out of adjectives to describe the overwhelming beauty. Just the other day, a new flower started blooming near an aspen grove in Labrador Valley. Shyla and I stopped our bike ride to go enjoy the magnificent flowers. The flowers were so tall that they almost swallowed her!

Shyla is the best partner for exploring nature who I can imagine. She's so happy to run with me and make frequent stops to enjoy the beauty. Along with the flowers, we do have lots of bugs but Shyla never complains about them. She's so happy.

Every day with Shyla is a gift.


  1. Hari OM
    I'm going to say lots of bugs = healthy environment. No bugs would be worrying! YAM xx

  2. How beautiful your flowers are but I'm not a fan of the bugs. I snap at them because they bother me.

  3. both photos are gorgeous and show her beautiful markings and also make me feel happy seeing her in those flowers. those are really tall wild flowers...Beau dislikes our outdoor heat, and is an AC seeker this time of year

  4. OMDs what a bonanza of beauty today. Bugs love me so I'd be swatting like crazy
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. What a beautiful sea of yellow. Shyla sure looks happy to be romping in them.

  6. You sure look beautiful in your flower forest sweet Shyla!

  7. Beautiful, both the pup and the flowers! What incredible fields of flowers you have to enjoy.

  8. Shyla's wonderfulness keeps shining through.

  9. I just love her with the yellow flowers! Both are so beautiful. ♥

  10. Your chocolate sweetheart looks so beautiful in those pretty yellow flowers.

  11. Beautiful pictures! I've a feeling that Shyla thinks that everyday with YOU is a gift too! ❤

  12. So does that mean all the spring snow was worth it?? :)


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