Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 16, 2021

Nature Friday - A little bear takes a bath

 After the big bear took a bath, a little guy came along for his own bath. I believe that he is a 2 year old male bear who has dispersed from his mom's territory. Male bears cannot stay in the area where they are born. Instead, they travel to find a place to call their own.

I'm not sure why he's settling on this territory. At last count, we have at least four bigger male bears there. That doesn't bode well for the little guy but I am rooting for him!

Check out the video of him taking a bath and see how much smaller he is than the big male who bathed before him.


  1. we love them so much... the ears look so special when they are youngsters ;O)

    1. It seems as if they are born with full sized ears but their bodies a cubby sized!

  2. How cute he is splashing in his bath.

  3. Adorable....OMBears I have some beary interesting stories today too...one smack in the middle of my hometown one at my furry nephews home
    Hugs cecilia

  4. If this one managed to live in this area, I think he should be called Slim... when he stood up at the tree i laughed out loud, so much smaller that all the other big guys... he is adorable. Hope they don't harm him

  5. He is a cute one, we hope he'll be safe!

  6. Hopefully he survives his move into the area. His coloring is beautiful and he's a real cutie!

  7. We have our paws crossed that this little guy will be able to one day grow up to be as big as the other bears. He sure is little compared to that bigger one.

  8. He has the cutest little tree scratching dance!!

  9. He is adorable. Hope he can survive with the other males in the area.

  10. Having watched the video, I too am rooting for the little guy!

  11. We'll be rooting for this handsome little guy! 🐻


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