Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday

We had a long rainy period here, turning the grass green and making the flowers sing. It made getting out for longish bike rides hard because of the threat of getting caught in lightning storms. Early in the stormy phase, I got caught in the worst storm yet. As the storm hit, the air temperature plummeted. I had a rain jacket but hail and an intense downpour froze me anyway. I felt like I barely made it home before I completely froze. That experience motivated me to talk to residents who I've met on my favorite routes to ask if they'd mind me hiding from a storm on their porch, in their barn, or even in their outhouse. Everyone who I've asked so far has given me a hearty yes.

Despite that freezing day, the rain is/was worth it for the effect on our world. Look at the green grass!

When I finally saw a fair weather window to go far from home on my bike, I went up high. I love how the flowers are still blooming even on the rocky shoreline of an alpine lake. This was another stormy day, and booms of thunder sent me flying off the mountain.

Near Lab Valley, a bunch of poppies are blooming next to an old dilapidated cabin. I think that the cabin dweller probably planted them a long time ago, and they are still flourishing! I had lots of fun trying to photograph them in a fun way. Here was one try.

Although I hate getting caught in storms on my bike, I am thankful for how the rain makes the world glow with beauty. I also appreciate the reduction in fire danger. For now, we feel relatively safe.


  1. Lab Valley is certainly heaven on earth.

  2. this is like a land from a dream...

  3. we are having our thunderstorms daily now for over 2 weeks, the lightning is scary but like you the benfits of rain are worth it. good idea to check with neighbors for shelter. yet anothe stunning flower maccro and that view is fantastic with the flowers from the past

  4. We love your Lab Valley and the beauty there always is amazing! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. We've had a lot of stormy weather here lately too. The grass hardly ever looks this good in July. It's nice that your new neighbors have welcomed you in case of bad weather. We hope you have plenty of rainy days to keep the fires away but not the storms so you will be safe on your rides.

  6. You need the rain to produce that beauty, but getting caught in a storm it's fun.

    Your photography is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Excellent idea about taking shelter at neighbor's. The valley is gorgeous
    Hugs cecilia

  8. I'm glad you made it home safely and it's good to know you have awesome neighbours. The photos, as always, are phenomenal!

  9. So glad your surroundings ar5e green and moist at this time of the year! That alpine lake is stunning; glad you found a brief window between the storms to get up to it.

    Chris from Boise

  10. The rain has made everything beautiful and green!! So glad you made it home before freezing and that you have set up plans for future rides!

  11. Lightning and hail, both to be totally avoided when on a bike or in the open. Thank goodness for helpful neighbours. The flowers blooming so high, and your mountain lake, beautiful.

  12. So good you can seek shelter with neighbors if you get caught in a storm. That alpine lake is so lovely, surrounded by flowers.

  13. I looked at the beautiful green grass, then my eyes were immediately drawn to the storm clouds above. That bike ride in the freezing rain and hail will make a good story a little later in life!

  14. We are as dry as Ma's cornbread muffins here ~ we'll take some of that cold rain! 😁 What nice neighbors you have!! I would lets you hide in my barn too....
    Oh, lookie at those blooms!! So beautifuls!!! YOu guys are so very lucky up there! I told Ma that I was gonna hop a bus and make you guys adopt me!!! 🤣😘🤣
    Ruby ♥

  15. Given the heat and forest fires, I cannot in good faith complain about getting caught in a rainstorm. Still...no one wants to get drenched in a lightning storm riding a bike! Stay safe and enjoy those gorgeous blooms that clearly appreciate the rain they've been getting.

  16. We've had less outdoors time due to a lot of rain too, but everything is so green and beautiful now! My vegetable garden is flourishing more than ever though, if I can find everything amongst the weeds! :)

  17. Lightening is not fun at all if you are outdoors. We can imagine you freezing. Once you get wet, it's hard to warm up again. It looks beautiful and green out there.


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