Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 6, 2021

Teeny Tiny Cub Plays with his Mom in a Water Hole

Teeny Tiny, our bear cub, played with his mom in the water. I think that it's hard work for a sow having a single cub because the cub needs someone to play with. On this day, mom took a bath while Teeny Tiny milled around the water hole. He eventually decided to join his mom and also challenge her to some play fighting. Check out the video!

We're going to take a break to slow down and enjoy summer. We'll be back! I hope that you all have some relaxation time too!


  1. Teeny Tiny is very well balanced on his hind legs!
    Enjoy your break.

  2. Teeny Tiny is too cute! Enjoy your summer break.

  3. Those two are so fun to watch. Mom sure looked like she was enjoying her spa treatment.

  4. Have a lovely and fun filled break!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. How wonderful to see their family life!

  6. Such a cute video! Enjoy your break.

  7. Teeny Tiny is so very adorable...and his Mama is so very patient!
    Have a wonderful break!!

  8. That is so sweet. I guess it is like having a puppy and no other pets, the human has to amuse the puppy. I'm sure the mom doesn't mind too much.

  9. Squeals! Love it when the babies get up on their hind legs and walk. Way too cute.


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