Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A menagerie of wildlife visit a bear marking tree

We are back after a lengthy break. I think that it was the longest break that I've taken in more than a decade. I'll tell you more about it in future posts.

On Tuesdays, I usually tell you a wildlife story. This one includes a huge variety of wildlife. Earlier this summer, I was riding through the forest, and I noticed a faint path going off to the left. I stashed my bike, and I followed it. It was an animal trail and not a human trail. 

Along the path, I found a towering Ponderosa Pine. I noticed that the area at the base of the pine was trampled to the point that the plants and grasses were dead. That led me to look closely at the bark to see if bears had been marking it. Indeed, there was black fur stuck in the bark!

I returned the following day with a trail cam, and I discovered that the tree hosted a fun menagerie of wildlife. Check out the short video, and especially notice the fun climbing by the bear cubs.


  1. we think that wolfie is not in sharing mood? what kind of small berd ran through the video? can you say it? or was it too fast? ...oh wait it was fast... it was da roadrunner?

    1. I think that the bird that you are referring to was a baby turkey. A mama turkey and her flock walked through the scene. Also, near the start, a hummingbird buzzed the camera!!!

  2. So many beautiful animals and even a mama bear and her cute cubs! We laughed at the beginning of the video of the bear marking the huge tree and we knew that one wasn't going to bend☺

  3. Hari OM
    Well, that is Grand Central Walkway!!! What a spot to find... and golly, it is good to see you back online!!! YAM xx

  4. What a great find! We love seeing all the different animals going through that spot. Have you ever had a hummingbird buzz your camera before?

    1. Yes, it happens a few times per year. I guess that the hummers are curious about what it is!

  5. i can't watch these videos without smiling, i love those bears especially the little cubs, and the turkey babies are my favorite, they are precious

  6. The cubs are cute and I got a kick out of seeing the squirrel running up the tree, and the wild turkey babies (I assume that's what they were). The rack on that last elk was something else!

  7. The cubs, maybe mama was there too, as they are still quite small, What a veritable menagerie, and that Ponderosa Pine is so popular. Even Mr Coyote had to get in the picture, so glad you had a good break, and ready now for the start of your winter.

  8. So many adorable animals. Sorry about the leg sticking out of that mouth though. The circle of life in the animal kingdom.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥


  9. First of all, welcome back! The variety of animals on that trail is unbelievable, great find! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures this past month and ongoing videos from this location.

  10. What a wonderful video (truly: filled with wonders!)! And wonderful to have you back online, though I hope your time away included some time off.

    Chris from Boise

  11. Welcome back! I guess everyone has some turkeys in their neighborhood, LOL! What a fun spot with such a variety of wildlife. The bear cub and the tree is adorable.

  12. Welcome back; we're looking forward to hearing about your adventures. That path may have been off the beaten trail but it's like Grand Central Station in the forest! Great captures on forest intrigue.

  13. What a busy place - great find!! The baby turkeys were so cute!!

  14. Wow, you struck gold with that location, KB!
    Is that a marten running up the tree at 2:30? I wonder what it is carrying?!


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