Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A bear cub tries to get her mom to play in the water

 A little while ago, I shared a video of Mohawk with her cub "Teeny Tiny". They were in a water hole, and Teeny Tiny wanted to play. Since he doesn't have siblings, he turned to his mom. She enthusiastically participated. It was heart-warming to see.

Close to Lab Valley, I found a water hole that bears love. A mother bear brought her two cubs to cool off. One appeared to try to get her mom to play. Please check out the video to see what happened. It was different from any mother-cub interaction that I've seen before.


  1. that's too good to watch it only one time..

  2. What a great video and we had to laugh at the cub rolling around in the long grass☺

  3. It looks like mom was saying, "Go play with your brother...I'm taking a bath!" Maybe she was just having a bad day and needed her spa time. BOL!

  4. Nothing about your bear videos that just warms the cockles of my heart and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

  5. Boy, mom bear is having a grouchy day! Poor little one.

  6. Leave me alone, go play with your sibling!!! Then the long grass, what a delight for them to bathe and then play, so funny to see the family reactions together.

  7. I have to agree with the consensus..Mama really wasn't in the mood for playing, the cub seemed to take it in stride though.
    What a fun video!

  8. Methinks Mom got out of bed the wrong side that morning!

  9. They are sure fun to watch their water world!

  10. Mom probably was wishing Dad was around so she could enjoy that bath time:) Sweet pups - love watching them all.

  11. I remember when my children were small and the only peace and quiet time I got (when they were awake) was when I was in the tub because I could lock the door. They still stood at the door and hollered at me...but they couldn't get to me. It seems mom bear is at the end of her rope.

  12. As a mama myself, I know just how that mama bear felt at times. That little guy is just asking for some serious correction!


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