Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a long time since the last Hachi update. Since then, we took an almost 3 week trip in our LabMobile with him and Shyla.

We finally realized that Hachi has a history of become very stressed during our trips. It's been hard to see that pattern because the trips have fairly long breaks between them. This time, we were ready to carefully manage him to avoid having him take out his anxiety on Shyla. We did things like making sure that the dogs were far apart when a stressor happened like a bicycle going by our campsite. Another example was keeping Hachi well under control when Shyla was retrieving balls from a lake. Although Hachi doesn't want to dive into the water to get balls, he realizes that balls are valuable objects and he can snark (snarl/bark) at Shyla due to wanting to take the ball that she just retrieved.

These issues have become so much better during our normal life at home that it's rare that Hachi will react to them. However, when you add the stress of being away from home, he reverts to his old ways.

The great news was that our management worked. There were very few (and very minor) incidents. Hachi seemed to relax into the trip. By the last day, we were parked next to a forest road, and ATVs started going by. Hachi didn't react to them at all. That showed us how far he'd come due to our counterconditioning every time one went by throughout the trip.

Hachi had some fun too. The Runner and I played with him in our campsite around sunset some evenings. He loves to run - and does so with amazing intensity. We love that we know of campsites that are far enough off the beaten path that even Hachi can do some off-leash running!


We are lucky to have Hachi in our life. Sometimes he acts like a punk but he's *our* punk. We love him.


  1. Great news that you have learned to manage Hachi's anxieties so well, even away from home. He is looking so handsome and athletic in today's photo.

  2. this is very good news, so happy all your hard work is helping him adjust more and more each time.

  3. Hari OM
    yes, he's extra work - but the payoff seems to be positive! YAM xx

  4. It's great to hear that you long vacation went so well for Hachi.

  5. You've done so well taking care of his needs. As it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. I love that comment, he's our "punk". He's a lucky punk for sure!

  7. " Sometimes he acts like a punk but he's *our* punk. We love him. "
    LOLOL! yes. all little punks need Love! we love him too. xo

  8. What great parents you are to your dogs! 💖

  9. Well done, Team Labmobile!

    Chris from Boise

  10. KB you made me smile with "our punk"! You are are lucky to have each other.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Great job with your counterconditioning! Hachi is such a handsome boy; I love the photos of him running with sheer abandoned joy on his face.

  12. That's really terrific and we're so proud of your Hachi, happy and calm is good!

  13. That is a good report. I was wondering how he fared with all the construction on going

  14. You both sound so like Hugh when he was finding somewhere to camp, ONE other van or tent, and that was too much. Go Hachi, you might be a punk but nevertheless a truly wonderful one.

  15. It makes your trip a bit stressful too, but we are glad everyone seemed to have a nice time away. Traveling is hard for everyone but even more difficult for some.


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