Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 10, 2021

A sweet oasis in the dry forest

 Around mid-July, I headed out on my bike in search of a new-to-me trail that I'd seen on maps. I knew roughly where to find it. As I got close to it, I noticed a well-worn path heading in the right direction. I blindly turned onto it. It was not the correct turn but it was a LUCKY mistake.  I found myself in a sweet oasis in the midst of a pine forest.

I immediately noticed the "stomp" indents in the dirt made by bears who were scent marking. That sight stopped me in my tracks. I dropped my bike in excitement and started exploring.

I noticed that a spring comes up from the ground there, creating a small pool of water in the midst of the dry forest. As I explored, I also found several bear marking trees. I knew that I'd hit the jackpot. If I'd had time, I would've put trail cams up on that very day. Alas, I didn't have time so I did it the next day.

Within the first week of putting up the cams, four bears visited the area. That was at the tail-end of mating season so I was thrilled to see them. After that, the bears didn't visit as often because they'd headed down in elevation to find food for their late summer fattening phase. However, lots of other animals did visit. 

As you watch, imagine this spot as cool in the midst of a dry and hot forest. Imagine the nearby pine needles crackling under your feet as you approach because they are bone dry. Then, you come upon a pool surrounded with green grass! It's an amazing spot. Enjoy the video!


  1. What a beautiful and serene scene. I love the sounds of them drinking the water!

  2. What a great find! We love seeing all the animals and especially like seeing the different birds. We agree that the night shot is probably a bat.

  3. Hari OM
    Excellent - thank you for that little oasis in my afternoon blogrun!!!

    KB, hope you don't mind me linking in my post today about our digital legacy and thinking on about managing it. An increasingly important subject for all who have online presence. YAM xx

  4. Awesome footage! What a beautiful spot - I'm glad you went the wrong way and knew what you were seeing.

  5. Sometimes going the wrong way gives you many wonderful surprises.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. A jackpot indeed. Wonderful footage.

  7. the first bear reminds me of beau. the way he sits there looking adorable. i noticed as each one came the water source is shrinking and there were so many drinking from it, bears,moose and birds. it is indeed an oasis. i hope fro them there is still plenty of water to drink and play in.

  8. Wow!!! That did look like a bat, its body looked to big to be a bird's.
    Beautiful video!!

  9. I would love someday to take a walk with you through the forest, and have you explain all the sign you see. Your posts are so enlightening about all that is out there that is as yet invisible to me.

    Chris from Boise

  10. Amazing and fascinating video!!! The first bear seemed so relaxed and comfortable while the second one was more cautious. Even the birds enjoyed the water.

  11. I have missed your fascinating video. This one is an A+

  12. Bathrub and watering hole...that spring does it all!

  13. That bear was smart to drink before stirring up the mud. And yes, I'm pretty sure that was a bat.


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