Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thankful Thursday

During this blog's break, our pack took a trip to the southwest of Colorado. We packed up the LabMobile and visited some of our favorite places up high in the mountains. It was wonderful to be outdoors under the stars for a few weeks. The sky was dark but the stars were somewhat obscured by smoke. Nonetheless, it was glorious.

Occasionally, the smoke lifted to let bright colors shine through.

I am going to be trying to take it easier on myself in the coming months. We still have a lot of construction going on. Today, it was a "three ring circus" with three different contractors working on our new place. I know how fortunate we are to be able to have this work done but it's still stressful - very stressful! Moreover, my Dad's cancer is back, and the doctors say that there's nothing more that can be done for it. I know that journey is only going to get harder.

But, through it all, I am so thankful that we have a pack that makes me so happy. And we have the amazing mountains that never cease to astound me with their beauty.


  1. hugs to you and positive thoughts to your dad...

  2. Welcome back. you have been missed. Take care. Best wishes for your Dad. Love Else Marie

  3. Prayers for your dad and for all of you and I'm so glad you found your Valley and I hope that it will someday soon be where it needs to be and you can have your peace and quiet

  4. Hari OM
    I add my 'POTP' for your father... and for you and family, who have to share that journey in one way or another. It is indeed a blessing to be in a place of solitude and succour... YAM xx

  5. It's nice to hear you had a restorative trip in the mountains. Our paws are crossed for your dad and all your family during this difficult time ahead.

  6. Much love and strength to you. It's a hard time.

  7. Hugs for you and prayers for your dad♥

  8. All good thoughts for your dad and your family on this new stage of the journey. Hospice was a HUGE help for us in our parents' final months, focusing on making the time remaining as comfortable as possible rather than striving for an improbable 'fix' - basically 'unmedicalizing' and humanizing the last weeks. Hugs!

    Chris from Boise

  9. Such beautiful scenery, we're always so jealous of your neck of the woods. Prayers to you and your Dad from all of us. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. I hope your Dad's transition goes easy on all of you, but especially him.

    Your mountains are definitely beautiful and having your pups there to share it with is wonderful.

  11. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Hugs and prayers to you and your Dad.

  12. I am so happy that you had this break , and thinking of your Dad, can you visit him safely or is it too far away? My Dad came to live with us for his last 6 weeks, and although incredibly tough, a lot easier than trying to travel several hours north all the time.I wish now I had talked to him more about my childhood, how safe I felt, how I enjoyed my life on the farm, and so much more. Hugs and love.XXX

  13. Hi KB glad to hear you and the pack had a good road trip to beautiful places.
    Sending my prayers for your Dad.
    Hugs cecilia

  14. So pleased that you and your pack found time to enjoy a trip to a favourite place in the mountains. Something to hold on to at times when the going gets tough.
    Sending hugs,

  15. Sorry about your dad. Prayers for him and your entire family.

    We're having work done here too. All new flooring downstairs and kitchen counters and sink. We are thankful we're able to get this work done too.

    My on that beautiful sky.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  16. It sounds like a good plan to take things a bit slower. We hope you can do that:) So sorry to hear about your Dad. We will keep him and you in our thoughts and prayers.

  17. That starry sky is gorgeous, even with the smoke.
    What Nancy wrote about wishing she had asked her Dad more questions told him more about how she felt growing up...I often think of something only my mother or aunt would have been able to tell me, and now there is no one left to ask. Think of all the questions about your Dad's life, etc. that you can ask. You won't regret it.

  18. I am heartened to see you have not become jaded about your heavenly surrounding

  19. There is so much beauty to be seen in the heavens.
    I'm really sorry to hear that about your father. It is not an easy journey, for any of you.
    Sending you hugz, Mxx

  20. So sorry about your dad, sending lots of GBGV hugs. Take it easy and enjoy life as it is precious and you only get one shot at it.

  21. I'm glad you got to have some time away in that beautiful place, before having to deal with all that reality. So sorry to hear about your Dad. Please do take care of yourself through all this. ♥

  22. So sorry to hear the news about your Dad. Please know I'm sending thoughts of comfort your way.

  23. Very sorry to hear the news about your Dad, KB. I hope he is able to be comfortable in body and mind as time goes along. Best wishes to him and to you.


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