Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Bear, mama moose and calf, huge bull elk and bobcat all use the same trail

Deep in a gulch, there's a trail used by bears. It has bear marking trees along its sides. But bears are not the only ones who use it. Indeed, after mating season, other species dominate it. This year, a mama moose and her calf used it regularly. A humongous bull elk also frequented it. A light-footed bobcat trotted past it. And you'll see the rest in the video.



  1. wow what mighty antlers... impressing..

  2. before I watched the video, I misread the word humongous and had to go back, I thought it said humorous! afte the vided I say the word humorours fits them perfectly. I think they were my favorites today but that big elk is stunning to see

  3. What a fun video. Love the moose and those superLong legs!

  4. Moose are one of the most interesting forest creatures. Big bodies on tall legs. I just love seeing them!

  5. The moose are so interesting to see up close like that!

  6. It's obviously well used by the moose, and the elk is a gorgeous creature.

  7. What a trail! My gosh, that elk is ginormous - as tall as the moose mama!

    Chris from Boise

  8. A grand collection of animals, those antlers, he wouldn't want to get them tangled in a vine, and the younger moose, will I go this way or that? Loved it all.

  9. What an entertaining cam capture.
    The Mama moose and calf so cute.. Looked like the calf was sowing a few wild oats romping one time.
    The ELK WOW
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. A veritable wildlife super-highway!
    What long legs that elk has!

  11. What a great video. It's interesting how the moose always seem to be going in the same direction unless you just didn't show their return trips. Are they walking in a big circle?

  12. Do two species try to use it at the same time, and does it cause a tussle when one of them takes too long.


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